[Geoprisma-dev] MapFish-trunk in external

Yves Moisan yves.moisan at boreal-is.com
Mon Dec 21 16:03:39 EST 2009

> === license ===
> Steve is right about the license.  

Not really.  The Modified BSD licence we are using is compatible with
the GPL MapFish is using :

> === size of GeoPrisma ===
> But still, I think we should remove all the things we don't currently 
> need.  The current trunk version of GeoPrisma is 772mb.  That's a lot.  
> What's not needed should be removed.
> Before MapFish changed their repository structure, we used to have only 
> Mapfish-client portion included.  As soon as they changed their repos, 
> we included everything but it was due to this change ratter than a need 
> of the new features included.

> I'm in favor of removing the MapFish portion we don't need : all, but 
> client-side.

I'll see what we can do with excluding directories in externals.


> Alexandre
> Stephen Woodbridge wrote:
> > Another thing to consider is product licensing. Unless I am mistaken, 
> > MF is licensed under one of the GPL licenses which is not compatible 
> > with the GP license and you should probably not mix these two together 
> > or it will change your license to GPL one.
> >
> > http://www.mapfish.org/trac/mapfish/browser/framework/client/trunk
> >
> > -Steve

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