[Geoprisma-dev] How I develop new features and patch

Yves Moisan yves.moisan at boreal-is.com
Mon Dec 21 16:28:18 EST 2009

> Or maybe do svn co --ignore-externals and then add your symlink to an
> existing externals ?

If that works for you, I would rather do that than start fiddling with a
complex externals definition.  You can almost do regex with
externals ...  

We could probably modify our externals definition (which would likely
have a lot more entries than it has now) to more finely retrieve the
parts we want in MF, OL and GeoExt but the minute we'd want something
else in those projects (e.g. a new MapFishServer service, that we'll
probably want sooner or later due to some issues with FeatureServer)
we'd need to modify the externals def.  

Most people will do a checkout once.  And "svn up --ignore-externals"
works fine too ...

Anyone with thorough SVN experience ?


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