[Geoprisma-dev] Where do we build the widget doc ?

Stephen Woodbridge woodbri at swoodbridge.com
Mon Nov 23 17:22:54 EST 2009

Alexandre Dube wrote:
> Yves Moisan wrote:
>> I never use an FGS environment, except for launching Apache.  Open up a
>> new terminal.  I've been bitten a few times :-)
>> Yves
> Building the doc works in a new terminal, but "samples" and "widgets" 
> are not included.  That is because the script comes from the site php 
> and is executable only that way.  In it, it temporarily copies the .rst 
> files from the widgets directory....
> So unless Sphinx is included in FGS or the script is moved / copied to 
> the make.bat script, there's nothing much to do...


Not sure if this helps or not. Here are the results I get on 
Debian/Lenny box. Here is the url on my server. There are some pages 
that don't exist (ie: pages that 404).



woodbri at mappy:~/work/geoprisma/trunk/docs$ sphinx-build -b html source/ 
Sphinx v0.4.2, building html
trying to load pickled env... not found
building [html]: targets for 23 source files that are out of date
updating environment: 23 added, 0 changed, 0 removed
reading... concepts/index configuration/acl/borealisacl 
configuration/acl/buildyour configuration/acl/index 
configuration/acl/noacl configuration/config/buildyour 
configuration/config/index configuration/config/xmlconfig 
configuration/config/xmlworkspaceconfig configuration/index 
configuration/locale/buildyour configuration/locale/gettext 
configuration/locale/index download/index index introduction/index 
samples/howto samples/index tutorials/create-your-own-geoprisma-project 
tutorials/index widgets/getvaluefrom widgets/i18n widgets/index
(WARNING/2) Title underline too short.

Step 1 - Create a new directory
(WARNING/2) toctree glob pattern u'list/*' didn't match any documents
(WARNING/2) toctree glob pattern u'list/*' didn't match any documents
pickling the env... done
checking consistency...
writing output... concepts/index WARNING: 
/home/woodbri/work/geoprisma/trunk/docs/source/concepts/index.rst:: no 
matching candidate for image URI u'concepts/permissions.*'
/home/woodbri/work/geoprisma/trunk/docs/source/concepts/index.rst:: no 
matching candidate for image URI u'concepts/permissions-more-readable.*'
configuration/acl/borealisacl configuration/acl/buildyour 
configuration/acl/index configuration/acl/noacl 
configuration/config/buildyour configuration/config/index 
configuration/config/xmlconfig configuration/config/xmlworkspaceconfig 
configuration/index configuration/locale/buildyour 
configuration/locale/gettext configuration/locale/index download/index 
index introduction/index samples/howto samples/index 
tutorials/create-your-own-geoprisma-project tutorials/index 
widgets/getvaluefrom widgets/i18n widgets/index
(WARNING/2) undefined label: workspace
writing additional files... genindex modindex search
copying images... samples/img/howto/xml.bmp samples/img/howto/xslt.bmp 
samples/img/howto/text.bmp samples/img/howto/icon.bmp 
configuration/acl/acl.bmp samples/img/howto/status.bmp 
samples/img/howto/cat.bmp samples/img/howto/url.bmp 
samples/img/howto/desc.bmp samples/img/howto/doc.bmp
copying static files...
dumping search index...
build succeeded, 6 warnings.
woodbri at mappy:~/work/geoprisma/trunk/docs$ ls
acl               make.bat                 php-borealis-lib
Architecture.dia  Makefile                 presentations
config_xml.dia    naturaldoc.txt           source
doc.txt           organization.dia         widgetdoc.txt
i18n              osafem_architecture.dia  widget_how2create_doc.txt
woodbri at mappy:~/work/geoprisma/trunk/docs$ vi Makefile

woodbri at mappy:~/work/geoprisma/trunk/docs$ make html
sphinx-build -b html -d ../dist/build/doctrees   source ../dist/build/html
Sphinx v0.4.2, building html
trying to load pickled env... done
building [html]: targets for 6 source files that are out of date
updating environment: 2 added, 8 changed, 1 removed
reading... concepts/index configuration/index download/index index 
introduction/index samples/howto samples/index 
tutorials/create-your-own-geoprisma-project tutorials/index widgets/index
(WARNING/2) Title underline too short.

Step 1 - Create a new directory
(WARNING/2) toctree glob pattern u'list/*' didn't match any documents
(WARNING/2) toctree glob pattern u'list/*' didn't match any documents
pickling the env... done
checking consistency...
writing output... concepts/index WARNING: 
/home/woodbri/work/geoprisma/trunk/docs/source/concepts/index.rst:: no 
matching candidate for image URI u'concepts/permissions.*'
/home/woodbri/work/geoprisma/trunk/docs/source/concepts/index.rst:: no 
matching candidate for image URI u'concepts/permissions-more-readable.*'
configuration/index download/index index introduction/index 
samples/howto samples/index tutorials/create-your-own-geoprisma-project 
tutorials/index widgets/index
writing additional files... genindex modindex search
copying images... samples/img/howto/xml.bmp samples/img/howto/xslt.bmp 
samples/img/howto/text.bmp samples/img/howto/icon.bmp 
samples/img/howto/status.bmp samples/img/howto/cat.bmp 
samples/img/howto/url.bmp samples/img/howto/desc.bmp 
copying static files...
dumping search index...
build succeeded, 5 warnings.

Build finished. The HTML pages are in ../dist/build/html.

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