[Geoprisma-dev] Where do we build the widget doc ?

Alexandre Dube adube at mapgears.com
Tue Nov 24 09:52:10 EST 2009

Yves Moisan wrote:
> http://www.maptools.org/fgs/index.phtml?page=readme.html 
> "Before using the FGS environment, you need to set some
> environment variables (each time you login) :
>   $ cd $FGS_HOME
>   $ . setenv.sh
>   (replace $FGS_HOME with your FGS path)
> OR you can do it automatically each time you log in by doing :
>   echo ". $FGS_HOME/setenv.sh" >> ~/.bashrc"
> I do the former.  If you do the latter, then you're toast.  So either
> you disable that all shells have FGS as their default environment or
> indeed you get Sphinx installed.

I also do the former.  My point is : either way, if you use FGS, when 
you click the "build" button, it uses the FGS environment (which has no 
Sphinx), so I guess I'll go with this solution (if it's not too 

Thanks to everyone for your time,

Alexandre Dubé

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