[Geoprisma-dev] alloverlays question ... again

Yves Moisan yves.moisan at boreal-is.com
Mon Apr 12 10:46:41 EDT 2010

Hi All,

I still wonder why I can easily make a GP sample for alloverlays 
(http://geoprisma.org/samples/alloverlays/index.php)  and can't get it 
to work in our application.  Here's the case : OpenStreetMap as 
baselayer and a bunch of other layers as overlays.  You'd think adding 
<alloverlays>true</alloverlays> in the map object and <isbaselayer>false 
</isbaselayer> for the OSM layer (which was previously set to true) 
would turn the map to an alloverlays, but I still can't tick the OSM 
layer off.  I now get the checkbox typical of OL overlays for the OSM 
layer, but it still behaves as if it were a radio button.  Is it a 
matter of layer type ?  On geoprisma.org, the alloverlays example uses 
WMS images.  Could it be that GYMO type layers are just baselayers only ?



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