[Geoprisma-dev] Cleanup the samples

Alexandre Dube adube at mapgears.com
Thu Dec 9 15:04:28 EST 2010


   Here's what a sample using the "sample template" could look like (see 
image).  The text comes from the sample header.inc.html and 
footer.inc.html files.  I use the OpenLayers example .css file.

   I could apply this change to all the samples that we would keep.  
I'll start with my +1.


On 10-12-09 11:40 AM, Alexandre Dube wrote:
> +1 for me too btw.
>   I've been playing with this a little and figured that we would need 
> a way to put "sample-specific" stuff inside the template.  Here's a 
> way I tried and it worked :
>   * put a help.html file containing the explanation of the sample 
> inside the sample directory.  Its content is pure html only.
>   * include it in the template like this :
> <xsl:variable name="helpFilePath">
> <xsl:value-of 
> select="php:functionString('getCurrentSampleDir')"></xsl:value-of>
> <xsl:text>/help.html</xsl:text>
> </xsl:variable>
>                       var help = new Ext.Panel({
>                           border: false,
>                           html: '<xsl:copy-of 
> select="document($helpFilePath)" />',
>                           renderTo: Ext.getBody()
>                       });
>      That basically copy the content of the file and put in a panel 
> that is simply rendered in the body.  It requires to have the 
> "getCurrentSampleDir" method thought, which looks like this (I put it 
> in config.php of the samples directory):
> function getCurrentSampleDir() {
>     global $g_strCurrentSampleDir;
>     return $g_strCurrentSampleDir;
> }
>   and the sample needs to set it.  That's the only way I found yet to 
> access the sample path since the current path "." in the xslt file is 
> equal to where the template is, that being "./src/client/templates"
>   The template could also have its own .css file to style content from 
> the help files in a standard way, pretty much like openlayers and ext 
> do.  We could even use one of them.
>   Finally, instead of help.html, samples we could have 
> "header.inc.html" and "footer.inc.html" to basically put anything you 
> want before and after the panel that replaces the viewport (I think of 
> titles, simple description on top, more description at bottom, etc.)
>   Thoughts ?
> Alexandre

Alexandre Dubé

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