[Geoprisma-dev] Cleanup the samples

Yves Moisan yves.moisan at boreal-is.com
Tue Dec 14 12:06:09 EST 2010

Le 2010-12-14 11:53, Alexandre Dube a écrit :
> Hi,
>   Here's an update on the task at hand : "Cleanup the samples".
>   They were all cleaned, except the following ones :
> ## should not be touched
>   * acl2
>   * borealis-authentification
> ## others
>   * sample1
>   * complex_workspace
>   * workspace
>   I think the three last one show very interesting features, such as :
>     * use of the XMLWorkspaceConfig driver
>     * use of authentication
>     * use of ACL
>   Here's what I propose : remove these 3 examples and replace them by 
> simpler samples demonstrating the same features mentioned above.  I 
> don't think they should include much widgets, just barely what's 
> required (for simplicity).
>   What do you think ?  Any objections ?
Hi Alexandre,

I think it's a worthwhile objective to try and minimize the amount of 
widgets (whence, JS to read ...) for a given example.  At any rate, we 
can always chime in and modify the examples later on.

Thanx for doing this very much needed first cleaning pass on the 
examples directory.


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