[Geoprisma-dev] Updated samples on GP website missing includes

Yves Moisan yves.moisan at boreal-is.com
Tue Dec 14 14:07:28 EST 2010

Hi Alexandre,

I can confirm the functions you wrote to get the header/footer files 
resolves to a real file (echo debugging says).  When I go "echo 
getSampleHeader();" in index.php I see a good string.  Why it is not 
included in the final page is a bit beyond my PHP/JS skills.  I can't 
see where getSampleHeader() is called.  I thought the problem might have 
been due to some different way of accessing files between OS'es, but it 
may be more a JS issue.  The only thing I notice in FireBug is that the 
style.css file is sought in the samples/zoomslider directory whereas it 
is in the samples/ dir.  I'll try and give it another spin later today.


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