[Geoprisma-dev] Print widget(s)

Yves Moisan yves.moisan at boreal-is.com
Wed Jan 6 10:15:42 EST 2010

Le mercredi 06 janvier 2010 à 09:00 -0500, Alexandre Dube a écrit :
> Hi,
>   Here are some thoughts about the print widget(s) in general :
>   * I'm currently looking at the patch of the pdfprint widget that James 
> implemented.  I didn't tested the patch yet. but my first thoughts is 
> that it's looking good the way it is and should be commited after a 
> simple review.

I implemented it on a test machine and indeed it works well.  I'm not
sure the server side is done the way it should be (I'm not the person
who can tell), but there are a few things that bug me about the widget,
the main one being : why don't we get the same UI than the MapFish
client shows?  In particular, there is no outline of the zone which is
about to be printed so the user basically does a sort of printscreen
type of operation.  That said, it's functional and working.
>   * For the MapFish print widget or GeoExt soon upcoming print panel, I 
> would make them as other print widgets completely.

How much of an effort would it be to use the MapFish or GeoExt print
client (when the latter comes out) ?  I would like to avoid having too
many GeoPrisma print widgets that we'll then need to deprecate.  If it's
a tough job, then maybe we could go for a first pass with James' code.
What do others think ?

>   * All these print widgets have something in common : they all use the 
> MapFish print server.  I don't fully understand how it works yet, but I 
> guess it would it be logical to create a mapfish-print service in 
> geoprisma.  Currently, the url to the print server is hardcoded in the 
> proxy_print.php and that seems wrong...

Right.  That's what I mentioned before.

Thanx for reviewing the patch.


P.S.  I forgot to thank you for the move of widgets docs to Sphinx :-)

>   Comments ?

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