[Geoprisma-dev] Print widget(s)

Yves Moisan yves.moisan at boreal-is.com
Wed Jan 6 11:05:35 EST 2010

> Yves,
>   First, thanks for your comments.
>   The widget James created don't use MapFish-client or GeoExt for the 
> client-side, only MapFish-print on server-side.  That's okay with me.
>   It wouldn't be too hard to add MF and GeoExt client-side print panels 
> after.
>   The thing they all have in common is that they use the same server.  


> This could result in a new service.  So, if we commit the PDFPrint 
> widget as it is now it would probably need some changes in a near future 
> to adjust its way of talking to the server (currently being done with 
> the print_proxy.php...)

Right.  My experience with the widget is that it needs a bit of not
obvious fiddling (e.g. changing the print url in the php file) but if
people want a quick print I'm not against committing it (but maybe I'm

Before committing though, make sure encoding is UTF-8 (currently latin1
and that breaks things on my side).  I would also not put too much
advertising emphasis on the widget until we have a proper server side in
GeoPrisma and ideally the MapFish (or GeoExt) client side.  I understand
that people need a committed print widget but let's make sure we make it
"kosher" ASAP.  I expected the kind of UI the MapFish client offers.



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