[Geoprisma-dev] LegendPanel layername issue

Yves Moisan yves.moisan at boreal-is.com
Thu Jan 7 11:38:44 EST 2010

Hi List,

I've come across a small irritant about what is displayed in the legend
panel for layer name.  The case is a bundled layer :


Now, I've set the legend for the last resource only
(RSmonitoring_stations).  The only layername I can change is LYR_WMS but
I certainly can't change it to Monitoring stations because what happens
when I add the legend widget to another resource ?  In fact what happens
is that I get symbols for all resources in a rather uncontrolled way and
no way to distinguish between resources.  I wouldn't want to make
separate layers because of the bandwith penalty ...

Does the new config driver address this issue ?  We were talking about
bundling requests to MapServer, so the legend will become an issue.



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