[Geoprisma-dev] Caching for the Proxy

Yves Moisan yves.moisan at boreal-is.com
Thu Jan 28 14:14:47 EST 2010

> Yves Moisan wrote:
> > If it's just me, push it on trunk and we'll see if others have the
> > problem.
> >   
> Commited.
> http://trac.osgeo.org/geoprisma/ticket/30#comment:5

Sorry to bug the list some more, but I noticed that I needed all of 

// Proxy caching configuration

// set TileCache proxy caching only

// set WMS proxy caching only

// set ALL proxy caching

for things to get cached.  At first, I tried to cache just TileCache,
but that did not seem to work.  Anyhow, I didn't go into the code really
but if I set client-side caching like above, does it mean new edits in a
PostGIS table (served by MapServer) could go unnoticed for 2419200
seconds = 28 days ?  Nothing can tell Apache if something has changed
from what I can see, so it seems to me we'll have to tell users to clean
their cache often for layers they edit ...  

Eventually, I think caching should be a datastore option.  In most
projects we are involved in, some layers never change but others have
varying degrees of user modifications and it would be neat to be able to
force reload or at least check with Apache or some other server side
component if a particular image needs to be refreshed.  A kind of
"debug" mode where requests to particular datastore (with a
<debuggable>true/false</debuggable> option ?)  would always be made
irrespective of client-side caching directives.  Ideas ?



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