[Geoprisma-dev] min/max scale issue

Yves Moisan yves.moisan at boreal-is.com
Wed Mar 24 14:50:01 EDT 2010

Hi All,

I just noticed if one sets a minScale on a layertree node that the layer 
cannot be unticked passed the zoom level that meets the condition.  The 
result is that the user can tick the layer on when zoomed out, but when 
the layer is grayed out in the tree as the user zooms in it remains 
ticked and untickable, which defeats the purpose of the scale options.  
Looking at the code in LayerTreeExtra.js (MF code), I can see how the 
node is disabled but there is no code there to force a layer to be 
ticked off.  Or is it somewhere else ?

If the mapfish layer tree does not provide this, should we do it in our 
mapfishlayertree widget extension?  Or eventually use another layer 
tree.  Does the GeoExt tree allow that ?



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