[Geoprisma-dev] Tilecached layer (jpeg tiles) with scale dependent
Djoan Bonfils
djoan.bonfils at boreal-is.com
Tue Sep 7 10:31:07 EDT 2010
We checked in \src\client\widgets\map\map.xlst
in the layer options, minscale is not defined
We succeed in obtaining the desired effect by (make the layer not
visible at a certain scale) by defining an array of scales within the
option scales.
Strangely the option resolutions didn't do the job...
We use r805 , if minscale is not already defined in newer releases may
be adding it will be helpful.
> Hello,
> Did you try with <minscale>10000</minscale> in lowercase in the map
> widget? I suspect it may solve your problem. If seems that the option
> is in lowercase in the map widget and with an uppercase S in the
> mapfishlayertree. :S
> Julien
> On 10-09-03 10:26 AM, Djoan Bonfils wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I'm trying to make a Tilecached layer (with jpeg tiles) invisible at a
>> certain scale (when zooming in).
>> I placed a <minScale>10000</minScale> in
>> <layer>
>> <resourcenames>
>> <resourcename>RS_pngtopo</resourcename>
>> </resourcenames>
>> <servicetype>tilecache</servicetype>
>> <options>
>> <layername>LYRRS_pngtopo</layername>
>> <maxextent>584694,8947004,1342974,9702822</maxextent>
>> <minScale>10000</minScale>
>> <isbaselayer>false</isbaselayer>
>> <projection>EPSG:32754</projection>
>> <singletile>false</singletile>
>> <transparent>true</transparent>
>> <buffer>0</buffer>
>> </options>
>> </layer>
>> and in:
>> <node>
>> <layername>LYRRS_pngtopo</layername>
>> <resourcename>RS_pngtopo</resourcename>
>> <textkey>Topo PNG</textkey>
>> <minScale>10000</minScale>
>> </node>
>> The node is greyed at the desired level but when it was checked before
>> zooming in, it stays checked after zooming past the minScale...Therefore
>> the layer is still displayed. Is there a way to not show the layer pas
>> the desired scale.
>> Thx
>> Djoan
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Djoan Bonfils
Gis& Business Analyst
Boréal Informations Stratégiques
101, Du Moulin, bureau 202-A
Magog (Québec)
Tel : +1 514 313 5951 #1128
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