[Geoprisma-dev] WFS Proxy

Etienne Dube etienne.dube at boreal-is.com
Fri Mar 18 15:49:44 EDT 2011

Hey guys,

The WFS Proxy works and is ready to be committed. For the moment only 
the GetFeature operation is supported, using an XML POST request type 
(that's what OpenLayers uses by default).

I had to do a slight change in the API of the Proxy class, namely making 
Proxy::getLayers() non-static (it's now an instance method which uses 
member variables) ; WFS queries are way more complex than any other ones 
in existing proxies, and I added members in the WFSProxy class to keep 
track of the kind of request that is being processed and the XML body of 
the POST request. WFSProxy::getLayers() uses this information (namely to 
parse the XML request), hence the change in the API. I applied the 
change to every subclass of Proxy too, and made sure that every call to 
getLayers() is done using an object instance instead of calling a static 
class method.

Note that I didn't bother to add support for WFS layers in the old Map 
widget ; it's only supported in Layer widgets used along a MapPanel. 
Should we do it also for the Map widget??

This change shouldn't break anything, but if you want to review the new 
code before I commit it, just ask and I'll prepare a patch.
Otherwise, is it okay for you all if I commit the code? I still need to 
clean up the sample (we will need a WFS service on the geoprisma.org 
server for the sample to work) and implement other operations 
(GetCapabilities, DescribeFeatureType and transactional operations), but 
at least we'll have a first working implementation in the trunk.


Etienne Dubé

Boréal Informations Stratégiques
101, Du Moulin, bureau 202-A
Magog (Québec)
J1X 4A1

Tel. :  514.313.5951 #1131
Email: etienne.dube at boreal-is.com

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