[Geoprisma-dev] CSV Export and multiline text

Alexandre Dube adube at mapgears.com
Fri Apr 20 08:36:11 EDT 2012

Hi Belug,


   I agree with the workaround your proposed : an option (Defaults to 
false) that, when turned on, converts now lines in to spaced double 
slashes.  That'd do the trick until someone ends up finding a solution 
to the initial issue.



On 12-04-19 11:56 AM, Lessard Alexandre wrote:
> Hi you all,
> I have a problem with the WFS_Fillter_Builder and it's about the CSV 
> export.
> I already made a ticket about it, but now I'd like your help for the 
> solution.
> ticket : http://trac.osgeo.org/geoprisma/ticket/383
> The problem is multilined text in CSV when you import data into Excel. 
> When you "import"
> id from the file the newline caracter will cause a newline in the 
> worksheet breaking the order
> of the columns.
> The encoding does not change anything about that it's a bug that I 
> wasn't able to pass.
> It doesn't append when you "open" the CSV file with Excel, but it 
> might break dates and some
> strings or numbers.
> So for this I'd like to propose an option to convert new line into 
> something else
> (i.e. Converting new lines into spaced double slashes " // ").
> So if you set the option in the widget it would replace the newlines 
> by what you write there.
> What do you think about that?
> Belug
> P.S. I've joined a sample Try opening it and then try importing it.
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Alexandre Dubé

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