[Geoprisma-users] Got GeoPrisma installed - Now what?

Alexandre Dube adube at mapgears.com
Fri Nov 13 07:53:36 EST 2009

Hi Stephen,

  Welcome to the community !

Stephen Woodbridge wrote:
> Hi all,
> First, (well second, really because I already posted a problem :) any 
> I want to say that GeoPrisma looks very cool and I'm excited about 
> getting it to work with my maps.
> I'm reading through the documentation but I missing the overview or 
> tutorial that is not written yet. So I'm looking through the samples 
> and will try to crib pieces from them.

I'm currently working on that, see :

> My goal is to have a simple login page using XML or postgres and have 
> a map with a few layers some of which can be edited. I would like to 
> use tinyOWS instead of FeatureServer. and my maps will all be via 
> mapserver.

WFS is not yet implemented in GeoPrisma, so for now you should go with 
FeatureServer.  WFS should be an important add-on to have.

> I assume I need to set up a directory similar to one of the sample 
> directories for my project.

Exactly.  Just choose one that looks like what your trying to do and 
copy all its files in your project directory.  That's a good start.

> I need to create acl.xml or equivalent postgres.

You should finish with that.  Start by using the "noacl" driver in your 
"common.php" file ( the "core" config file ).

> And create a config.xml.

And start with that.

> Do you guys have any admin pages the present forms for creating some 
> of the XML?

We have some for the ACL (see acl2 in samples), but not the config.xml 
file yet.

> What do you guys use for editing and creating all the xml files. it 
> seems a little tedious to do this in notepad or vi.

As a linux fan, I use Emacs even if it doesn't really help editing xml 
files.  Copy/paste from existing xml config is my common behavior.

I'll let you know about the upcoming documentation change.



> Thanks,
>   -Steve
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Alexandre Dubé

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