[Geoprisma-users] Back to GP again

Alexandre Dube adube at mapgears.com
Wed Nov 25 17:16:24 EST 2009

Stephen Woodbridge wrote:
> Alexandre,
> The new doc is a great improvement!
> Here are some random comments:
> 1) Looking at the Widget list 
> http://geoprisma.org/dist/naturaldoc/files2/featurepanel/form/Form-txt.html 
> I think it would be very helpful to standardize Widget names a little 
> bit with the client project. This is already done for some of the 
> MapFish widgets:
> FeaturePanel_Form         => ExtFeaturePanel_Form
> FeaturePanel_Selector     => ExtFeaturePanel_Selector
> GeoExtToolbar             => GeoExtNavToolbar
> GetMousePosition          => GPGetMousePosition
> MapFishLayerTree          => MapFishLayerTree
> MapFishRecenter           => MapFishRecenter
> Merge                     => PGMerge
> MeasureTool               => GPMeasureTool
> MousePosition             => OLMousePosition
> PopUp                     => OLPopUp
> QueryOnClick              => GeoExtQueryOnClick
> QuickZoom                 => Use Shortcut Widget **No Docs*
> ResultExtGrid             => ExtResultGrid
> Scale                     => OLScale
> Split                     => PGSplit
> Toolbar                   => MapFishNavToolbar
> EditFeature_Create        => GeoExtEditFeature_Create
> EditFeature_Delete        => GeoExtEditFeature_Delete
> EditFeature_Update        => GeoExtEditFeature_Update
> Why bother you might ask? :)
> Maybe this is not the way to do it, but you already started with this 
> naming conventions and I think is has some value in making sensible 
> widget choices. For example if I don't want to add in all the MapFish 
> stuff then I can avoid using those widgets. I assume that over time 
> and growth of the wisget library this will become more and more 
> useful. Obviously there are other ways to do this and if you use the 
> EditFeature tools then you are already commited to using the MapFish 
> protocol which I assume means using some of there JS files?

I agree that some "sorting" / "cleaning" work could be done.  It's kind 
of a mess right now :)

> 2) Reading through the tutorial and trying to implement a project.
> http://geoprisma.org/dist/build/html/tutorials/create-your-own-geoprisma-project.html#services-datastores-and-resources-list 
> section 1. 2nd bullet needs a link to the list of widgets which got me 
> side tracked to the above comment.
> In this section, you talk about making a list. It would be helpful to 
> show and example list and to comment that it will be used below in 
> another step (I haven't gotten to that step yet).

Right.  I'll take a note about that.

> In general, the current doc is a little bit abstract, 

Yeah, I know...

> and would benefit from being a little more concrete. I would suggest 
> defining a specific example for the Tutorial and referring to that 
> example to explain each step, like:
> 1) a city wants to setup a GP service and has the following resouces:
> citylimits - polygon shapefile
> lakes      - polygon shapefile with object names
> parcels    - polygon shapefile with lots of attribute
> streets    - line shapefile with moderate number of attributes
> The example data can be downloaded from HERE(link).
> The citylimits layer is a reference only layer
> The lakes layer is also a reference only layer
> The parcels layer is managed by the city tax department which needs to 
> make sure it is updated as things change, but the public needs to be 
> able to view it.
> The streets layer is managed by the highway department which needs to 
> mantain it, and add new streets as new subdivision are created. The 
> public needs to view this as a reference layer also.
> 2) we have loaded all these layers into postgis database
> 3) we have configured mapserver to serve WMS maps from the database
>    - show a sample mapfile for the above
> 4) we have featureserver installed
>    - show a sample config file for the above

I wouldn't go that far for the current tutorial.  It could be a nice 2nd 
tutorial *for dummies*  What do you think ?

> Now based on this, show the services, DataStores and Resource Lists 
> and follow through with this example in the tutorial. This way when 
> the user is finished with the tutorial they will have a working 
> example. Also making it concrete like this will make it much easier to 
> write up the docs because you will have an example to show what you 
> are talking about.
> Still wading through the tutorial. It is a really good start and I'll 
> probably add to this as I progress through it.

That would be much appreciated :)

> Thanks for the amazing amount of additional work you have done on the 
> docs.

Thanks a lot for the nice comments.


> -Steve
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Alexandre Dubé

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