[Geoprisma-users] i18n_* tooltip messages are showing
Alexandre Dube
adube at mapgears.com
Mon Jan 11 15:28:25 EST 2010
Hi Steve,
I'm not sure that the following tip might help, but here's goes nothing :
Be sure to have everything needed installed as mentioned in the
prerequisite [1] doc page. You can visit your gp-info.php page to see
if everything is up and running, like the following [2].
[2] http://geoprisma.org/gp-info.php
Stephen Woodbridge wrote:
> Yves Moisan wrote:
>> Le vendredi 08 janvier 2010 à 23:02 -0500, Stephen Woodbridge a écrit :
>>> What cases the i18n_* text to be displayed instead of the actual
>>> language text. For example the text "i18n_fullzoom_tooltip"
> This is from the standard GeoExtToolbar widget when you add the
> navigation controls to it.
> When you view source on the good server I see:
> <script xmlns=""
> src="./widgets/geoexttoolbar/GeoExtToolbar.js"></script><script
> xmlns=""
> src="./widgets/geoexttoolbar/GeoExtToolbar.GeoExtToolbar.js"></script><script
> xmlns="">
> Ext.apply(org.geoprisma.widget.geoexttoolbar.GeoExtToolbar.prototype, {
> i18n_zoomfull_tooltip : "Zoom to maximum extent",
> i18n_zoomin_tooltip : "Zoom in : left click on map or
> draw a zoom box",
> i18n_zoomout_tooltip : "Zoom out : left click on map or
> draw a zoom box",
> i18n_pan_tooltip : "Pan : click left and drag",
> i18n_back_tooltip : "Previous view",
> i18n_next_tooltip : "Next view"
> });
> </script>
> But on the bad server which is basically a copy of the good server
> with some path changed, I see:
> <script xmlns=""
> src="./widgets/geoexttoolbar/GeoExtToolbar.js"></script><script
> xmlns=""
> src="./widgets/geoexttoolbar/GeoExtToolbar.GeoExtToolbar.js"></script><script
> xmlns="">
> Ext.apply(org.geoprisma.widget.geoexttoolbar.GeoExtToolbar.prototype, {
> i18n_zoomfull_tooltip : "i18n_zoomfull_tooltip",
> i18n_zoomin_tooltip : "i18n_zoomin_tooltip",
> i18n_zoomout_tooltip : "i18n_zoomout_tooltip",
> i18n_pan_tooltip : "i18n_pan_tooltip",
> i18n_back_tooltip : "i18n_back_tooltip",
> i18n_next_tooltip : "i18n_next_tooltip"
> });
> </script>
> I expect that this is because I broke one of the paths in the
> config.php file. Everything else seems to be working OK, and checking
> the things that seemed obvious didn't show anything wrong. This looks
> like it is being generated from the widget xslt or via the php code
> the renders the widget.
> woodbri at mapping:~/work/geoprisma/trunk$ find . -type f -exec grep -l
> i18n_zoomfull_tooltip {} \;
> ./src/client/widgets/geoexttoolbar/GeoExtToolbar.xslt
> ./src/client/widgets/geoexttoolbar/.svn/text-base/GeoExtToolbar.GeoExtToolbar.js.svn-base
> ./src/client/widgets/geoexttoolbar/.svn/text-base/GeoExtToolbar.xslt.svn-base
> ./src/client/widgets/geoexttoolbar/GeoExtToolbar.GeoExtToolbar.js
> ./languages/fr_CA/LC_MESSAGES/.svn/text-base/geoexttoolbar.po.svn-base
> ./languages/fr_CA/LC_MESSAGES/.svn/text-base/geoexttoolbar.mo.svn-base
> ./languages/fr_CA/LC_MESSAGES/geoexttoolbar.mo
> ./languages/fr_CA/LC_MESSAGES/geoexttoolbar.po
> ./languages/.svn/text-base/geoexttoolbar.pot.svn-base
> ./languages/fa_AF/LC_MESSAGES/.svn/text-base/geoexttoolbar.po.svn-base
> ./languages/fa_AF/LC_MESSAGES/.svn/text-base/geoexttoolbar.mo.svn-base
> ./languages/fa_AF/LC_MESSAGES/geoexttoolbar.mo
> ./languages/fa_AF/LC_MESSAGES/geoexttoolbar.po
> ./languages/geoexttoolbar.pot
> ./languages/en_US/LC_MESSAGES/.svn/text-base/geoexttoolbar.po.svn-base
> ./languages/en_US/LC_MESSAGES/.svn/text-base/geoexttoolbar.mo.svn-base
> ./languages/en_US/LC_MESSAGES/geoexttoolbar.mo
> ./languages/en_US/LC_MESSAGES/geoexttoolbar.po
> ./script/NaturalDocs/Data/.svn/text-base/SymbolTable.nd.svn-base
> ./script/NaturalDocs/Data/SymbolTable.nd
> So looking at ./src/client/widgets/geoexttoolbar/GeoExtToolbar.xslt it
> generates the JS above with lines like:
> <script>
> Ext.apply(org.geoprisma.widget.geoexttoolbar.GeoExtToolbar.prototype, {
> i18n_zoomfull_tooltip : <xsl:value-of
> select="php:functionString('GeoExtToolbar::getText','i18n_zoomfull_tooltip','JS')"
> />,
> i18n_zoomin_tooltip : <xsl:value-of
> select="php:functionString('GeoExtToolbar::getText','i18n_zoomin_tooltip','JS')"
> />,
> i18n_zoomout_tooltip : <xsl:value-of
> select="php:functionString('GeoExtToolbar::getText','i18n_zoomout_tooltip','JS')"
> />,
> i18n_pan_tooltip : <xsl:value-of
> select="php:functionString('GeoExtToolbar::getText','i18n_pan_tooltip','JS')"
> />,
> i18n_back_tooltip : <xsl:value-of
> select="php:functionString('GeoExtToolbar::getText','i18n_back_tooltip','JS')"
> />,
> i18n_next_tooltip : <xsl:value-of
> select="php:functionString('GeoExtToolbar::getText','i18n_next_tooltip','JS')"
> />
> });
> </script>
> So it looks like functionString() is failing, for some reason, to find
> and return the appropriate string. I'll dig into this a little more,
> but if you have any ideas that would be great.
> Thanks,
> -Steve
>> I can't find that string in any of the po files. Is that a string of
>> yours ?
>> If i18n strings work but not this one, then you have to ensure you have
>> valid .pot/.po/.mo files for the *domain* (defined in the php file of a
>> particular widget). Also, there are times when you need to restart
>> Apache for GetText to pick up a new string.
>> If you don't want to bother with domains (you should if you develop a
>> new widget though) you can use the language code syntax as mentioned in
>> the docs.
>> For example in this case :
>> <shortcut>
>> <name>MyShortcutWidget</name>
>> <options>
>> <field>hap_nm_top</field>
>> <emptyText>
>> <domain>sampleFile</domain>
>> <key>i18n_shortcut_emptyText</key>
>> </emptyText>
>> </options>
>> </shortcut>
>> GetText will look for the "i18n_shortcut_emptyText" string in the
>> sampleFile.mo (compiled po) file and will render it in whatever language
>> as determined in the cookie by the last lang= URL parameter assignment.
>> Beware : the value of the language parameter lives for as long as it is
>> not changed, so if you set it to fr_CA once it will always be that
>> unless you explicitly change it in the url. That can be misleading
>> because the default language is English, which is what you get if you
>> don't pass a lang url parameter; however if you set it to another
>> language then that language becomes the default and then you'll wonder
>> why you see some French while there is no lang url parameter.
>> If you want to bypass having to create a po file (which you then need to
>> compile into an mo with an editor like poEdit), you can use the
>> "language code" syntax as follows :
>> <shortcut>
>> <name>MyShortcutWidget</name>
>> <options>
>> <field>hap_nm_top</field>
>> <emptyText>
>> <fr_CA>Racourcie sur le top</fr_CA>
>> <en_US>Shortcut to top</en_US>
>> <!-- Other lang -->
>> </emptyText>
>> </options>
>> </shortcut>
>> HTH,
>> Yves
>>> is being displayed regardless of ?lang=en_US or ?lang=fr_CA or no
>>> lang argument.
>>> $g_strLocaleDir = '/u/software/geoprisma/trunk/languages' which it
>>> correct.
>>> -Steve
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Alexandre Dubé
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