[Geoprisma-users] GeoPrisma 1.4.0 release

Alexandre Dube adube at mapgears.com
Wed Jun 6 06:34:40 PDT 2012

= !GeoPrisma 1.4.0 Announcement =

The GeoPrisma Development Team is proud to announce the release of 
GeoPrisma 1.4.0, which closes 29 outstanding tickets !

The GeoPrisma 1.4.0 source code can be downloaded from:
or using SVN at :

The 1.4 branch was also created and is available at :

The GeoPrisma 1.4.0 documentation is available at :

The 1.4.0 release include several cool new features. Some of the 
highlights include:

  * AccessFilter complete documentation added, which had been missing 
since 1.0.
  * API widget new methods and public events used to get and set the 
center of the map.
  * API widget now support the 'params' parameter in its 'applyFilter' 
and 'applyFilters' methods, which can be used for run-time variable 
substitution by MapServer.
  * MapFishPrint proxy and GeoExtPrintForm now support printing a legend 
for WMS layers.
  * MeasureTool widget new option to set the popup on top-right position 
of the map.
  * New and updated samples demonstrating what GeoPrisma can do, such as 
with the TemplatePopup widget, the AccessFilter, clusters using 
MapServer, etc.
  * ResultExtGrid and ApplyFilter widgtets can now coexist.
  * ResultExtGrid now support resource field options as a way to define 

and many more fixes.  See the full documentation about the GeoPrisma 
1.4.0 Release at :

For a complete list of the fixes and new features available, please read 
the HISTORY.TXT under Version 1.4.0 available at :

Migrating from 1.2 to 1.4 doesn't require any specific knowledge. No 
major changes were made between those two version. If you're migrating 
from 1.0.0, make sure you look at the Migration Guide for 1.0 to 1.2 
available at :

Please help out by testing your applications with this new code base.

Thanks! - The GeoPrisma Team

Alexandre Dubé

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