[geos-commits] [SCM] GEOS branch master updated. a03a9ec61629aa68d6f78ff514e759a10db60fcf

git at osgeo.org git at osgeo.org
Mon Jan 11 12:27:17 PST 2021

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. It was
generated because a ref change was pushed to the repository containing
the project "GEOS".

The branch, master has been updated
       via  a03a9ec61629aa68d6f78ff514e759a10db60fcf (commit)
       via  07b1228117cada1fa49c6f6cf1ede24aee14d015 (commit)
      from  f038da4f59a6acc1084b22c884bfe239f5cf401e (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit a03a9ec61629aa68d6f78ff514e759a10db60fcf
Merge: f038da4 07b1228
Author: Daniel Baston <dbaston at gmail.com>
Date:   Mon Jan 11 15:26:59 2021 -0500

    Merge branch 'remove-stackwalker'

commit 07b1228117cada1fa49c6f6cf1ede24aee14d015
Author: Daniel Baston <dbaston at gmail.com>
Date:   Sun Jan 10 20:15:04 2021 -0500

    Remove StackWalker
    It is not used in any GEOS code and not included in the build.

diff --git a/tests/xmltester/Stackwalker.cpp b/tests/xmltester/Stackwalker.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 928c8e5..0000000
--- a/tests/xmltester/Stackwalker.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2333 +0,0 @@
- *  Project:
- *    Memory_and_Exception_Trace
- *
- * ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- *	File:
- *		Stackwalker.cpp
- *
- *	Remarks:
- *    Dumps memory leaks (unreleased allocations) for CRT-Allocs and COM-Allocs
- *    Dumps the stack of an thread if an exepction occurs
- *
- *  Known bugs:
- *    - If the allocation-RequestID wrap, then allocations will get lost...
- *
- *	Author:
- *		Jochen Kalmbach, Germany
- *
- *//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-#include <windows.h>
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <time.h>
-#include <crtdbg.h>
-#include <tchar.h>
-#include "Stackwalker.h"
-// If the following is defined, only the used memories are stored in the hash-table.
-// If the memory is freed, it will be removed from the hash-table (to reduce memory)
-// Consequences: At DeInitAllocHook, only Leaks will be reported
-// 0 = Do not write any output during runtime-alloc-call
-// 1 = Write only the alloc action (malloc, realloc, free)
-// 2 = Write alloc action and callstack only for malloc/realloc
-// 3 = Write alloc action and callstack for all actions
-static ULONG g_ulShowStackAtAlloc = 0;
-// the form of the output file
-static eAllocCheckOutput g_CallstackOutputType = ACOutput_Simple;
-// Size of Hash-Table
-#define ALLOC_HASH_ENTRIES 1024
-// Size of Callstack-trace in bytes (0x500 => appr. 5-9 functions, depending on parameter count for each function)
-#define MAX_ESP_LEN_BUF 0x500
-// Normally we can ignore allocations from the Runtime-System
-// MaxSize: 128 KByte (only for StackwalkFilter)
-#define LOG_FILE_MAX_SIZE 1024*128
-// If the following is defined, then COM-Leaks will also be tracked
-// #############################################################################################
-void IMallocHashInsert(void *pData, CONTEXT &Context, std::size_t nDataSize);
-BOOL IMallocHashRemove(void *pData);
-// IMallocSpy-Interface
-class CMallocSpy : public IMallocSpy
-  CMallocSpy(void) {
-    m_cbRequest = 0;
-  }
-  ~CMallocSpy(void) {
-  }
-  // IUnknown methods
-  STDMETHOD(QueryInterface) (REFIID riid, LPVOID *ppUnk) {
-    HRESULT hr = S_OK;
-    if (IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IUnknown)) {
-        *ppUnk = (IUnknown *) this;
-    }
-    else if (IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IMallocSpy)) {
-        *ppUnk =  (IMalloc *) this;
-    }
-    else {
-        *ppUnk = NULL;
-        hr =  E_NOINTERFACE;
-    }
-    AddRef();
-    return hr;
-  }
-  STDMETHOD_(ULONG, AddRef) (void) {
-    return InterlockedIncrement(&m_cRef);
-  }
-  STDMETHOD_(ULONG, Release) (void) {
-    LONG cRef;
-    cRef = InterlockedDecrement(&m_cRef);
-    if (cRef == 0)
-    {
-      delete this;
-    }
-    return cRef;
-  }
-  // IMallocSpy methods
-  STDMETHOD_(ULONG, PreAlloc) (ULONG cbRequest) {
-    m_cbRequest = cbRequest;
-    return cbRequest;
-  }
-  STDMETHOD_(void *, PostAlloc) (void *pActual) {
-    HANDLE hThread;
-    if (DuplicateHandle( GetCurrentProcess(), GetCurrentThread(),
-      GetCurrentProcess(), &hThread, 0, false, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS ) != 0) {
-      // Ok
-      CONTEXT c;
-      memset( &c, '\0', sizeof c );
-      c.ContextFlags = CONTEXT_FULL;
-      if ( GetThreadContext( hThread, &c )  != 0) {
-        // Ok
-        IMallocHashInsert(pActual, c, m_cbRequest);
-      }
-      CloseHandle(hThread);
-    }
-    return pActual;
-  }
-  STDMETHOD_(void *, PreFree) (void *pRequest, BOOL fSpyed) {
-    IMallocHashRemove(pRequest);
-    return pRequest;
-  }
-  STDMETHOD_(void, PostFree) (BOOL fSpyed) {
-    return;
-  }
-  STDMETHOD_(ULONG, PreRealloc) (void *pRequest, ULONG cbRequest,
-    void **ppNewRequest, BOOL fSpyed) {
-    IMallocHashRemove(pRequest);
-    m_cbRequest = cbRequest;
-    return cbRequest;
-  }
-  STDMETHOD_(void *, PostRealloc) (void *pActual, BOOL fSpyed) {
-    HANDLE hThread;
-    if (DuplicateHandle( GetCurrentProcess(), GetCurrentThread(),
-      GetCurrentProcess(), &hThread, 0, false, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS ) != 0) {
-      // Ok
-      CONTEXT c;
-      memset( &c, '\0', sizeof c );
-      c.ContextFlags = CONTEXT_FULL;
-      if ( GetThreadContext( hThread, &c )  != 0) {
-        // Ok
-        IMallocHashInsert(pActual, c, m_cbRequest);
-      }
-      CloseHandle(hThread);
-    }
-    return pActual;
-  }
-  STDMETHOD_(void *, PreGetSize) (void *pRequest, BOOL fSpyed) {
-    return pRequest;
-  }
-  STDMETHOD_(ULONG, PostGetSize) (ULONG cbActual, BOOL fSpyed) {
-    return cbActual;
-  }
-  STDMETHOD_(void *, PreDidAlloc) (void *pRequest, BOOL fSpyed) {
-    return pRequest;
-  }
-  STDMETHOD_(BOOL, PostDidAlloc) (void *pRequest, BOOL fSpyed, BOOL fActual) {
-    return fActual;
-  }
-  STDMETHOD_(void, PreHeapMinimize) (void) {
-    return;
-  }
-  STDMETHOD_(void, PostHeapMinimize) (void) {
-    return;
-  }
-  LONG    m_cRef;
-  ULONG m_cbRequest;
-// #############################################################################################
-#ifdef _IMAGEHLP_
-#error "'imagehlp.h' should only included here, not before this point! Otherwise there are some problems!"
-#pragma pack( push, before_imagehlp, 8 )
-#include <imagehlp.h>
-#pragma pack( pop, before_imagehlp )
-#if API_VERSION_NUMBER < 7  // ImageHelp-Version is older.... so define it by mayself
-// The following definition is only available with VC++ 6.0 or higher, so include it here
-extern "C" {
-// source file line data structure
-typedef struct _IMAGEHLP_LINE
-    DWORD                       SizeOfStruct;           // set to sizeof(IMAGEHLP_LINE)
-    DWORD                       Key;                    // internal
-    DWORD                       LineNumber;             // line number in file
-    PCHAR                       FileName;               // full filename
-    DWORD                       Address;                // first instruction of line
-#define SYMOPT_LOAD_LINES        0x00000010
-}  // extern "C"
-// Forward definitions of functions:
-static void ShowStackRM( HANDLE hThread, CONTEXT& c, FILE *fLogFile, PREAD_PROCESS_MEMORY_ROUTINE ReadMemoryFunction, HANDLE hProcess);
-static void ShowStack( HANDLE hThread, CONTEXT& c, FILE *fLogFile);
-static void AllocHashOut(FILE*);
-static ULONG AllocHashOutLeaks(FILE*);
-// Globale Vars:
-static TCHAR *g_pszAllocLogName = NULL;
-static FILE *g_fFile = NULL;
-// AllocCheckFileOpen
-//  Checks if the log-file is already opened
-//  if not, try to open file (append or create if not exists)
-//  if open failed, redirect output to stdout
-static void AllocCheckFileOpen(bool bAppend = true) {
-  // is the File already open? If not open it...
-  if (g_fFile == NULL)
-    if (g_pszAllocLogName != NULL)
-    {
-      if (bAppend == false)
-        g_fFile = _tfopen(g_pszAllocLogName, _T("w"));
-      else
-        g_fFile = _tfopen(g_pszAllocLogName, _T("a"));
-    }
-  if (g_fFile == NULL)
-    g_fFile = stdout;
-// Write Date/Time to specified file (will also work after 2038)
-static void WriteDateTime(FILE *fFile, BOOL asXMLAttrs = FALSE) {
-  TCHAR pszTemp[11], pszTemp2[11];
-  if (fFile != NULL) {
-    _tstrdate( pszTemp );
-    _tstrtime( pszTemp2 );
-    if (asXMLAttrs == FALSE)
-      _ftprintf(fFile,  _T("%s %s"), pszTemp, pszTemp2 );  // also ok after year 2038 (asctime is NOT ok)
-    else
-      _ftprintf(fFile,  _T("date=\"%s\" time=\"%s\" "), pszTemp, pszTemp2 );  // also ok after year 2038 (asctime is NOT ok)
-  }
-}  // WriteDateTime
- * Hash-Tabelle
- *******************************************************************************/
-// Memory for the EIP-Address (is used by the ShowStack-method)
-#define MAX_EIP_LEN_BUF 4
-typedef struct AllocHashEntryType {
-  long                       lRequestID;    // RequestID from CRT (if 0, then this entry is empty)
-  std::size_t                     nDataSize;     // Size of the allocated memory
-  char                       cRemovedFlag;  // 0 => memory was not yet released
-  struct AllocHashEntryType  *Next;
-  // Callstack for EIP
-  DWORD                      dwEIPOffset;
-  DWORD                      dwEIPLen;
-  char                       pcEIPAddr[MAX_EIP_LEN_BUF];
-  // Callstack for ESP
-  DWORD                      dwESPOffset;
-  DWORD                      dwESPLen;
-  char                       pcESPAddr[MAX_ESP_LEN_BUF];
-} AllocHashEntryType;
-static AllocHashEntryType AllocHashTable[ALLOC_HASH_ENTRIES];
-static ULONG AllocHashEntries = 0;
-static ULONG AllocHashCollisions = 0;
-static ULONG AllocHashFreed = 0;
-static ULONG AllocHashMaxUsed = 0; // maximal number of concurrent entries
-static ULONG AllocHashCurrentCount = 0;
-static ULONG AllocHashMaxCollisions = 0;
-static ULONG AllocHashCurrentCollisions = 0;
-// ##########################################################################################
-// eigene Tabelle für die IMallocs:
-typedef struct IMallocHashEntryType {
-  void                       *pData;    // Key-Word
-  std::size_t                     nDataSize;     // größe des Datenblocks (optional)
-  char                       cRemovedFlag;  // 0 => nicht wurde noch nicht freigegeben
-  struct IMallocHashEntryType  *Next;
-  // Callstack für EIP
-  DWORD                      dwEIPOffset;
-  DWORD                      dwEIPLen;
-  char                       pcEIPAddr[MAX_EIP_LEN_BUF];
-  // Callstack für ESP
-  DWORD                      dwESPOffset;
-  DWORD                      dwESPLen;
-  char                       pcESPAddr[MAX_ESP_LEN_BUF];
-} IMallocHashEntryType;
-static IMallocHashEntryType IMallocHashTable[ALLOC_HASH_ENTRIES];
-static ULONG IMallocHashEntries = 0;
-static ULONG IMallocHashCollisions = 0;
-static ULONG IMallocHashFreed = 0;
-static ULONG IMallocHashMaxUsed = 0; // maximal number of concurrent entries
-static ULONG IMallocHashCurrentCount = 0;
-static ULONG IMallocHashMaxCollisions = 0;
-static ULONG IMallocHashCurrentCollisions = 0;
-//static void AllocHashOut(FILE*);
-static ULONG IMallocHashOutLeaks(FILE*);
-// AllocHashFunction
-//   Die eigentliche Hash-Funktion (hier ganz simpel)
-static ULONG IMallocHashFunction(void *pData) {
-  ULONG ulTemp;
-  DWORD dwPointer = (DWORD) pData;
-  // relativ simpler Mechanismus für die Hash-Funktion,
-  // mir ist nur nix besseres eingefallen...
-  ulTemp = dwPointer % ALLOC_HASH_ENTRIES;
-  _ASSERTE( (ulTemp >= 0) && (ulTemp < ALLOC_HASH_ENTRIES) );
-  return ulTemp;
-}  // AllocHashFunction
-// IMallocHashInsert
-//   pData: Key-Word (Pointer to address)
-//   pContext:   Context-Record, for retrieving Callstack (EIP and EBP is only needed)
-//   nDataSize:  How many bytes
-void IMallocHashInsert(void *pData, CONTEXT &Context, std::size_t nDataSize) {
-  ULONG HashIdx;
-  IMallocHashEntryType *pHashEntry;
-  // ermittle Statistische Werte
-  IMallocHashEntries++;
-  IMallocHashCurrentCount++;
-  if (IMallocHashCurrentCount > IMallocHashMaxUsed)
-    IMallocHashMaxUsed = IMallocHashCurrentCount;
-  // ermittle den Hash-Wert
-  HashIdx = IMallocHashFunction(pData);
-  // Eintrag darf nicht größer als die Hash-Tabelle sein
-  pHashEntry = &IMallocHashTable[HashIdx];
-  if (pHashEntry->pData == 0) {
-    // es ist noch kein Eintrag da
-  }
-  else {
-    //Statistische Daten:
-    IMallocHashCollisions++;
-    IMallocHashCurrentCollisions++;
-    if (IMallocHashCurrentCollisions > IMallocHashMaxCollisions)
-      IMallocHashMaxCollisions = IMallocHashCurrentCollisions;
-    // Eintrag ist schon belegt, verkette die Einträge
-    // wenn dies oft vorkommt, sollte man entweder die Tabelle vergrößern oder eine
-    // andere Hash-Funktion wählen
-    while(pHashEntry->Next != NULL) {
-      pHashEntry = pHashEntry->Next;
-    }
-    pHashEntry->Next = (IMallocHashEntryType*) _calloc_dbg(sizeof(IMallocHashEntryType), 1, _CRT_BLOCK, __FILE__, __LINE__);
-    pHashEntry = pHashEntry->Next;
-  }
-  pHashEntry->pData = pData;  // Key-Word
-  pHashEntry->nDataSize = nDataSize;
-  pHashEntry->Next = NULL;
-  // Get EIP and save it in the record
-  pHashEntry->dwEIPOffset = Context.Eip;
-  if (ReadProcessMemory(GetCurrentProcess(), (LPCVOID) Context.Eip, &(pHashEntry->pcEIPAddr), MAX_EIP_LEN_BUF, &(pHashEntry->dwEIPLen)) == 0) {
-    // Could not read memory... remove everything...
-    memset(pHashEntry->pcEIPAddr, 0, MAX_EIP_LEN_BUF);
-    pHashEntry->dwEIPLen = 0;
-    pHashEntry->dwEIPOffset = 0;
-  }
-  // Get ESP and save it in the record
-  pHashEntry->dwESPOffset = Context.Ebp;
-  if (ReadProcessMemory(GetCurrentProcess(), (LPCVOID) Context.Ebp, &(pHashEntry->pcESPAddr), MAX_ESP_LEN_BUF, &(pHashEntry->dwESPLen)) == 0) {
-    // Could not read memory... remove everything...
-    memset(pHashEntry->pcESPAddr, 0, MAX_ESP_LEN_BUF);
-    pHashEntry->dwESPLen = 0;
-    pHashEntry->dwESPOffset = 0;
-    // Check if I tried to read too much...
-    if (GetLastError() == ERROR_PARTIAL_COPY)
-    {
-      // ask how many I can read:
-      DWORD dwRet = VirtualQuery((LPCVOID) Context.Ebp, &MemBuffer, sizeof(MemBuffer));
-      if (dwRet > 0)
-      {
-        // calculate the length
-        DWORD len = ((DWORD) MemBuffer.BaseAddress + MemBuffer.RegionSize) - Context.Ebp;
-        if ( (len > 0) && (len < MAX_ESP_LEN_BUF) )
-        {
-          // try to read it again (with the shorter length)
-          if (ReadProcessMemory(GetCurrentProcess(), (LPCVOID) Context.Ebp, &(pHashEntry->pcESPAddr), len, &(pHashEntry->dwESPLen)) == 0)
-          {
-            // ok, now everything goes wrong... remove it...
-            memset(pHashEntry->pcESPAddr, 0, MAX_ESP_LEN_BUF);
-            pHashEntry->dwESPLen = 0;
-            pHashEntry->dwESPOffset = 0;
-          }
-          else
-          {
-            pHashEntry->dwESPOffset = Context.Ebp;
-          }
-        }
-      } // VirtualQuery was successfully
-  }
-// IMallocHashFind
-//   Wird ALLOC_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND zurückgegeben, so wurde der Key nicht
-//   gefunden, ansonsten wird ein Zeiger auf den Hash-Eintrag zurückgegeben
-//   ACHTUNG: In einem preemptiven Tasking-System kann hier nicht
-//            garantiert werden, ob der Zeiger noch gültig ist, wenn er
-//            zurückgegeben wird, da er von einem anderen Thread schon
-//            freigegeben sein könnte.
-//            Die synchronisation muß eine Ebene höher erfolgen
-static IMallocHashEntryType *IMallocHashFind(void *pData) {
-  ULONG HashIdx;
-  IMallocHashEntryType *pHashEntry;
-  // ermittle den Hash-Wert
-  HashIdx = IMallocHashFunction(pData);
-  // Eintrag darf nicht größer als die Hash-Tabelle sein
-  pHashEntry = &IMallocHashTable[HashIdx];
-  while(pHashEntry != NULL) {
-    if (pHashEntry->pData == pData) {
-      return pHashEntry;
-    }
-    pHashEntry = pHashEntry->Next;
-  }
-  // wenn hier angelangt, dann wurde der Eintrag nicht gefunden!
-  return (IMallocHashEntryType*) ALLOC_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND;
-}  // AllocHashFind
-// IMallocHashRemove
-//   Return: FALSE (0) : Key wurde gefunden und entfernt/markiert
-//           TRUE (!=0): Key wurde nicht gefunden!
-BOOL IMallocHashRemove(void *pData) {
-  ULONG HashIdx;
-  IMallocHashEntryType *pHashEntry, *pHashEntryLast;
-  // ermittle den Hash-Wert
-  HashIdx = IMallocHashFunction(pData);
-  // Eintrag darf nicht größer als die Hash-Tabelle sein
-  pHashEntryLast = NULL;
-  pHashEntry = &IMallocHashTable[HashIdx];
-  while(pHashEntry != NULL) {
-    if (pHashEntry->pData == pData) {
-      IMallocHashFreed++;
-      IMallocHashCurrentCount--;
-      // gebe den Speicher frei
-      if (pHashEntryLast == NULL) {
-        // Es ist ein Eintrag direkt in der Tabelle
-        if (pHashEntry->Next == NULL) {
-          // Es ist der letze Eintrag lösche also die Tabelle
-          memset(&IMallocHashTable[HashIdx], 0, sizeof(IMallocHashTable[HashIdx]));
-        }
-        else {
-          // Es sind noch Einträge verkettet, überschreibe einfach den nicht mehr gebrauchten...
-          *pHashEntry = *(pHashEntry->Next);
-        }
-        return TRUE;
-      }
-      else {
-        // ich bin in einem dynamischen Bereich
-        // dies war eine kollisions, zähle also wieder zurück:
-        IMallocHashCurrentCollisions--;
-        pHashEntryLast->Next = pHashEntry->Next;
-        _free_dbg(pHashEntry, _CRT_BLOCK);
-        return TRUE;
-      }
-      // erhöhe nur den Removed counter und behalte das Object im Speicher
-      pHashEntry->cRemovedFlag++;
-      return TRUE;  // erfolgreich
-    }
-    pHashEntryLast = pHashEntry;
-    pHashEntry = pHashEntry->Next;
-  }
-  // wenn hier angelangt, dann wurde der Eintrag nicht gefunden!
-  return FALSE;
-//   Callback-Funtion for StackWalk für meine CallStack-Ausgabe aus der Hash-Tabelle
-static BOOL __stdcall ReadProcMemoryFromIMallocHash(HANDLE pData, DWORD lpBaseAddress, PVOID lpBuffer, DWORD nSize, PDWORD lpNumberOfBytesRead) {
-static BOOL __stdcall ReadProcMemoryFromIMallocHash(HANDLE pData, LPCVOID lpBaseAddress, PVOID lpBuffer, DWORD nSize, PDWORD lpNumberOfBytesRead) {
-  // Versuche die hRequestID zu finden
-  IMallocHashEntryType *pHashEntry;
-  *lpNumberOfBytesRead = 0;
-  pHashEntry = IMallocHashFind((PVOID) pData);
-  if (pHashEntry == (IMallocHashEntryType*) ALLOC_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND) {
-    // nicht gefunden, somit kann ich den Speicher nicht lesen
-    *lpNumberOfBytesRead = 0;
-    return FALSE;
-  }
-  if ( ((DWORD) lpBaseAddress >= pHashEntry->dwESPOffset) && ((DWORD) lpBaseAddress <= (pHashEntry->dwESPOffset+pHashEntry->dwESPLen)) ) {
-    // Speicher liegt im ESP:
-    // Errechne den Offset
-    DWORD dwOffset = (DWORD) lpBaseAddress - pHashEntry->dwESPOffset;
-    DWORD dwSize = __min(nSize, MAX_ESP_LEN_BUF-dwOffset);
-    memcpy(lpBuffer, &(pHashEntry->pcESPAddr[dwOffset]), dwSize);
-    *lpNumberOfBytesRead = dwSize;
-    if (dwSize != nSize)
-      return FALSE;
-  }
-  if ( ((DWORD) lpBaseAddress >= pHashEntry->dwEIPOffset) && ((DWORD) lpBaseAddress <= (pHashEntry->dwEIPOffset+pHashEntry->dwEIPLen)) ) {
-    // Speicher liegt im EIP:
-    // Errechne den Offset
-    DWORD dwOffset = (DWORD) lpBaseAddress - pHashEntry->dwEIPOffset;
-    DWORD dwSize = __min(nSize, MAX_ESP_LEN_BUF-dwOffset);
-    memcpy(lpBuffer, &(pHashEntry->pcEIPAddr[dwOffset]), dwSize);
-    *lpNumberOfBytesRead = dwSize;
-    if (dwSize != nSize)
-      return FALSE;
-  }
-  if (*lpNumberOfBytesRead == 0)  // Der Speicher konnte nicht gefunden werden
-    return FALSE;
-  return TRUE;
-// AllocHashOutLeaks
-// Gibt allen Speicher aus, der noch nicht wieder freigegeben wurde
-//   Returns the number of bytes, that are not freed (leaks)
-ULONG IMallocHashOutLeaks(FILE *fFile) {
-  ULONG ulTemp;
-  IMallocHashEntryType *pHashEntry;
-  ULONG ulCount = 0;
-  ULONG ulLeaksByte = 0;
-  // Gehe jeden Eintrag durch und gebe ihn aus
-  for(ulTemp = 0; ulTemp < ALLOC_HASH_ENTRIES; ulTemp++) {
-    pHashEntry = &IMallocHashTable[ulTemp];
-    if (pHashEntry->pData != 0) {
-      while(pHashEntry != NULL) {
-        // gebe die Zeile aus
-        if ( (pHashEntry->cRemovedFlag <= 0) || (pHashEntry->cRemovedFlag > 1) ) {
-          ulCount++;
-          if (g_CallstackOutputType == ACOutput_XML)
-            _ftprintf(fFile, _T("<LEAK requestID=\"%u\" size=\"%u\">\n"), pHashEntry->pData, pHashEntry->nDataSize);
-          else
-            _ftprintf(fFile, _T("Pointer (RequestID): %12i, Removed: %i, Size: %12i\n"), pHashEntry->pData, pHashEntry->cRemovedFlag, pHashEntry->nDataSize);
-          CONTEXT c;
-          memset( &c, '\0', sizeof c );
-          c.Eip = pHashEntry->dwEIPOffset;
-          c.Ebp = pHashEntry->dwESPOffset;
-          ShowStackRM( NULL, c, fFile, &ReadProcMemoryFromIMallocHash, (HANDLE) pHashEntry->pData);
-          // Zähle zusammen wieviel Byte noch nicht freigegeben wurden
-          if (pHashEntry->nDataSize > 0)
-            ulLeaksByte += pHashEntry->nDataSize;
-          else
-            ulLeaksByte++;  // Wenn zwar Speicher allokiert wurde, dieser aber 0 Bytes lang war, so reserviere für diesen zumindest 1 Byte
-          if (g_CallstackOutputType == ACOutput_XML)
-            _ftprintf(fFile, _T("</LEAK>\n"));  // terminate the xml-node
-        }
-        pHashEntry = pHashEntry->Next;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  if (g_CallstackOutputType != ACOutput_XML)
-    _ftprintf(fFile, _T("\n**** Number of leaks: %i\n"), ulCount);
-  return ulLeaksByte;
-}  // AllocHashOutLeaks
-static void AllocHashInit(void) {
-  memset(AllocHashTable, 0, sizeof(AllocHashTable));
-  AllocHashEntries = 0;
-  AllocHashCollisions = 0;
-  AllocHashFreed = 0;
-  AllocHashCurrentCount = 0;
-  AllocHashMaxUsed = 0;
-  AllocHashMaxCollisions = 0;
-  AllocHashCurrentCollisions = 0;
-  memset(IMallocHashTable, 0, sizeof(IMallocHashTable));
-  IMallocHashEntries = 0;
-  IMallocHashCollisions = 0;
-  IMallocHashFreed = 0;
-  IMallocHashCurrentCount = 0;
-  IMallocHashMaxUsed = 0;
-  IMallocHashMaxCollisions = 0;
-  IMallocHashCurrentCollisions = 0;
-  return;
-}  // AllocHashInit
-// AllocHashDeinit
-// Returns the number of bytes, that are not freed (leaks)
-static ULONG AllocHashDeinit(void) {
-  ULONG ulRet = 0;
-  bool bAppend = g_CallstackOutputType != ACOutput_XML;
-  AllocCheckFileOpen(bAppend);  // open global log-file
-  if (g_CallstackOutputType == ACOutput_XML)
-  {
-    _ftprintf(g_fFile, _T("<MEMREPORT "));
-    WriteDateTime(g_fFile, TRUE);
-    _ftprintf(g_fFile, _T(">\n"));
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    _ftprintf(g_fFile, _T("\n##### Memory Report ########################################\n"));
-    WriteDateTime(g_fFile);
-    _ftprintf(g_fFile, _T("\n"));
-  }
-  // output the used memory
-  if (g_CallstackOutputType != ACOutput_XML)
-    _ftprintf(g_fFile, _T("##### Memory used: #########################################\n"));
-  AllocHashOut(g_fFile);
-  // output the Memoty leaks
-  if (g_CallstackOutputType != ACOutput_XML)
-    _ftprintf(g_fFile, _T("\n##### Leaks: ###############################################\n"));
-  ulRet = AllocHashOutLeaks(g_fFile);
-  if (g_CallstackOutputType == ACOutput_Advanced)
-  {
-    // output some statistics from the hash-table
-    _ftprintf(g_fFile, _T("***** Hash-Table statistics:\n"));
-    _ftprintf(g_fFile, _T("      Table-Size:     %i\n"), ALLOC_HASH_ENTRIES);
-    _ftprintf(g_fFile, _T("      Inserts:        %i\n"), AllocHashEntries);
-    _ftprintf(g_fFile, _T("      Freed:          %i\n"), AllocHashFreed);
-    _ftprintf(g_fFile, _T("      Sum Collisions: %i\n"), AllocHashCollisions);
-    _ftprintf(g_fFile, _T("\n"));
-    _ftprintf(g_fFile, _T("      Max used:       %i\n"), AllocHashMaxUsed);
-    _ftprintf(g_fFile, _T("      Max Collisions: %i\n"), AllocHashMaxCollisions);
-  }
-  // Free Hash-Table
-  ULONG ulTemp;
-  AllocHashEntryType *pHashEntry, *pHashEntryOld;
-  // Now, free my own memory
-  for(ulTemp = 0; ulTemp < ALLOC_HASH_ENTRIES; ulTemp++) {
-    pHashEntry = &AllocHashTable[ulTemp];
-    while(pHashEntry != NULL) {
-      pHashEntryOld = pHashEntry;
-      pHashEntry = pHashEntry->Next;
-      if (pHashEntryOld != &AllocHashTable[ulTemp]) {
-        // now free the dynamically allocated memory
-        free(pHashEntryOld);
-      }
-    }  // while
-  }  // for
-  // empty the hash-table
-  memset(AllocHashTable, 0, sizeof(AllocHashTable));
-  // output the Memoty leaks
-  if (g_CallstackOutputType != ACOutput_XML)
-    _ftprintf(g_fFile, _T("\n##### COM-Leaks: ###############################################\n"));
-  ulRet = IMallocHashOutLeaks(g_fFile);
-  if (g_CallstackOutputType == ACOutput_Advanced)
-  {
-    // output some statistics from the hash-table
-    _ftprintf(g_fFile, _T("***** Hash-Table statistics:\n"));
-    _ftprintf(g_fFile, _T("      Table-Size:     %i\n"), ALLOC_HASH_ENTRIES);
-    _ftprintf(g_fFile, _T("      Inserts:        %i\n"), IMallocHashEntries);
-    _ftprintf(g_fFile, _T("      Freed:          %i\n"), IMallocHashFreed);
-    _ftprintf(g_fFile, _T("      Sum Collisions: %i\n"), IMallocHashCollisions);
-    _ftprintf(g_fFile, _T("\n"));
-    _ftprintf(g_fFile, _T("      Max used:       %i\n"), IMallocHashMaxUsed);
-    _ftprintf(g_fFile, _T("      Max Collisions: %i\n"), IMallocHashMaxCollisions);
-  }
-  // Free Hash-Table
-  //ULONG ulTemp;
-  IMallocHashEntryType *pIMHashEntry, *pIMHashEntryOld;
-  // Gehe jeden Eintrag durch und gebe ihn frei
-  for(ulTemp = 0; ulTemp < ALLOC_HASH_ENTRIES; ulTemp++) {
-    pIMHashEntry = &IMallocHashTable[ulTemp];
-    while(pHashEntry != NULL) {
-      pIMHashEntryOld = pIMHashEntry;
-      pIMHashEntry = pIMHashEntry->Next;
-      if (pIMHashEntryOld != &IMallocHashTable[ulTemp]) {
-        // es ist dynamischer Speicher, gebe ihn also frei:
-        _free_dbg(pIMHashEntryOld, _CRT_BLOCK);
-      }
-    }  // while
-  }  // for
-  // Lösche die gesamte Hash-Tabelle
-  memset(IMallocHashTable, 0, sizeof(IMallocHashTable));
-  if (g_CallstackOutputType == ACOutput_XML)
-    _ftprintf(g_fFile, _T("</MEMREPORT>\n"));
-  return ulRet;
-}  // AllocHashDeinit
-// AllocHashFunction
-// The has-function (very simple)
-static inline ULONG AllocHashFunction(long lRequestID) {
-  // I couldn´t find any better and faster
-  return lRequestID % ALLOC_HASH_ENTRIES;
-}  // AllocHashFunction
-// AllocHashInsert
-//   lRequestID: Key-Word (RequestID from AllocHook)
-//   pContext:   Context-Record, for retrieving Callstack (EIP and EBP is only needed)
-//   nDataSize:  How many bytes
-static void AllocHashInsert(long lRequestID, CONTEXT &Context, std::size_t nDataSize) {
-  ULONG HashIdx;
-  AllocHashEntryType *pHashEntry;
-  // change statistical data
-  AllocHashEntries++;
-  AllocHashCurrentCount++;
-  if (AllocHashCurrentCount > AllocHashMaxUsed)
-    AllocHashMaxUsed = AllocHashCurrentCount;
-  // generate hash-value
-  HashIdx = AllocHashFunction(lRequestID);
-  pHashEntry = &AllocHashTable[HashIdx];
-  if (pHashEntry->lRequestID == 0) {
-    // Entry is empty...
-  }
-  else {
-    // Entry is not empy! make a list of entries for this hash value...
-    // change statistical data
-    // if this happens often, you should increase the hah size or change the heash-function;
-    // to fasten the allocation time
-    AllocHashCollisions++;
-    AllocHashCurrentCollisions++;
-    if (AllocHashCurrentCollisions > AllocHashMaxCollisions)
-      AllocHashMaxCollisions = AllocHashCurrentCollisions;
-    while(pHashEntry->Next != NULL) {
-      pHashEntry = pHashEntry->Next;
-    }
-    pHashEntry->Next = (AllocHashEntryType*) calloc(sizeof(AllocHashEntryType), 1);
-    pHashEntry = pHashEntry->Next;
-  }
-  pHashEntry->lRequestID = lRequestID;  // Key-Word
-  pHashEntry->nDataSize = nDataSize;
-  pHashEntry->Next = NULL;
-  // Get EIP and save it in the record
-  pHashEntry->dwEIPOffset = Context.Eip;
-  if (ReadProcessMemory(GetCurrentProcess(), (LPCVOID) Context.Eip, &(pHashEntry->pcEIPAddr), MAX_EIP_LEN_BUF, &(pHashEntry->dwEIPLen)) == 0) {
-    // Could not read memory... remove everything...
-    memset(pHashEntry->pcEIPAddr, 0, MAX_EIP_LEN_BUF);
-    pHashEntry->dwEIPLen = 0;
-    pHashEntry->dwEIPOffset = 0;
-  }
-  // Get ESP and save it in the record
-  pHashEntry->dwESPOffset = Context.Ebp;
-  if (ReadProcessMemory(GetCurrentProcess(), (LPCVOID) Context.Ebp, &(pHashEntry->pcESPAddr), MAX_ESP_LEN_BUF, &(pHashEntry->dwESPLen)) == 0) {
-    // Could not read memory... remove everything...
-    memset(pHashEntry->pcESPAddr, 0, MAX_ESP_LEN_BUF);
-    pHashEntry->dwESPLen = 0;
-    pHashEntry->dwESPOffset = 0;
-    // Check if I tried to read too much...
-    if (GetLastError() == ERROR_PARTIAL_COPY)
-    {
-      // ask how many I can read:
-      DWORD dwRet = VirtualQuery((LPCVOID) Context.Ebp, &MemBuffer, sizeof(MemBuffer));
-      if (dwRet > 0)
-      {
-        // calculate the length
-        DWORD len = ((DWORD) MemBuffer.BaseAddress + MemBuffer.RegionSize) - Context.Ebp;
-        if ( (len > 0) && (len < MAX_ESP_LEN_BUF) )
-        {
-          // try to read it again (with the shorter length)
-          if (ReadProcessMemory(GetCurrentProcess(), (LPCVOID) Context.Ebp, &(pHashEntry->pcESPAddr), len, &(pHashEntry->dwESPLen)) == 0)
-          {
-            // ok, now everything goes wrong... remove it...
-            memset(pHashEntry->pcESPAddr, 0, MAX_ESP_LEN_BUF);
-            pHashEntry->dwESPLen = 0;
-            pHashEntry->dwESPOffset = 0;
-          }
-          else
-          {
-            pHashEntry->dwESPOffset = Context.Ebp;
-          }
-        }
-      } // VirtualQuery was successfully
-  }
-// AllocHashFind
-//   If ALLOC_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND is returned, the Key was not found!
-//   If the Key was found, a pointer to the entry is returned
-static AllocHashEntryType *AllocHashFind(long lRequestID) {
-  ULONG HashIdx;
-  AllocHashEntryType *pHashEntry;
-  // get the Hash-Value
-  HashIdx = AllocHashFunction(lRequestID);
-  // Just do some simple checks:
-  pHashEntry = &AllocHashTable[HashIdx];
-  while(pHashEntry != NULL) {
-    if (pHashEntry->lRequestID == lRequestID) {
-      return pHashEntry;
-    }
-    pHashEntry = pHashEntry->Next;
-  }
-  // entry was not found!
-  return (AllocHashEntryType*) ALLOC_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND;
-}  // AllocHashFind
-// AllocHashRemove
-//   Return: FALSE (0) : Key was found and removed/marked
-//           TRUE (!=0): Key was not found
-static BOOL AllocHashRemove(long lRequestID) {
-  ULONG HashIdx;
-  AllocHashEntryType *pHashEntry, *pHashEntryLast;
-  // get the Hash-Value
-  HashIdx = AllocHashFunction(lRequestID);
-  // Just do some simple checks:
-  pHashEntryLast = NULL;
-  pHashEntry = &AllocHashTable[HashIdx];
-  while(pHashEntry != NULL) {
-    if (pHashEntry->lRequestID == lRequestID) {
-      AllocHashFreed++;
-      AllocHashCurrentCount--;
-      // release my memory
-      if (pHashEntryLast == NULL) {
-        // It is an entry in the table, so do not release this memory
-        if (pHashEntry->Next == NULL) {
-          // It was the last entry, so empty the table entry
-          memset(&AllocHashTable[HashIdx], 0, sizeof(AllocHashTable[HashIdx]));
-        }
-        else {
-          // There are some more entries, so shorten the list
-          *pHashEntry = *(pHashEntry->Next);
-          // TODO: Do I need to free the memory here !? I think I should do this...
-        }
-        return TRUE;
-      }
-      else {
-        // now, I am in an dynamic allocated entry
-        // it was a collision, so decrease the current collision count
-        AllocHashCurrentCollisions--;
-        pHashEntryLast->Next = pHashEntry->Next;
-        free(pHashEntry);
-        return TRUE;
-      }
-      // increase the Remove-Count and let the objet stay in memory
-      pHashEntry->cRemovedFlag++;
-      return TRUE;
-    }
-    pHashEntryLast = pHashEntry;
-    pHashEntry = pHashEntry->Next;
-  }
-  // if we are here, we could not find the RequestID
-  return FALSE;
-// ReadProcMemoryFromHash
-//   Callback-Funtion for StackWalk for my own CallStack from the Hash-Table-Entries
-static BOOL __stdcall ReadProcMemoryFromHash(HANDLE hRequestID, DWORD lpBaseAddress, PVOID lpBuffer, DWORD nSize, PDWORD lpNumberOfBytesRead) {
-static BOOL __stdcall ReadProcMemoryFromHash(HANDLE hRequestID, LPCVOID lpBaseAddress, PVOID lpBuffer, DWORD nSize, PDWORD lpNumberOfBytesRead) {
-  // Try to find the RequestID
-  AllocHashEntryType *pHashEntry;
-  *lpNumberOfBytesRead = 0;
-  pHashEntry = AllocHashFind((LONG) hRequestID);
-  if (pHashEntry == (AllocHashEntryType*) ALLOC_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND) {
-    // Not found, so I cannot return any memory
-    *lpNumberOfBytesRead = 0;
-    return FALSE;
-  }
-  if ( ((DWORD) lpBaseAddress >= pHashEntry->dwESPOffset) && ((DWORD) lpBaseAddress <= (pHashEntry->dwESPOffset+pHashEntry->dwESPLen)) ) {
-    // Memory is located in ESP:
-    // Calculate the offset
-    DWORD dwOffset = (DWORD) lpBaseAddress - pHashEntry->dwESPOffset;
-    DWORD dwSize = __min(nSize, MAX_ESP_LEN_BUF-dwOffset);
-    memcpy(lpBuffer, &(pHashEntry->pcESPAddr[dwOffset]), dwSize);
-    *lpNumberOfBytesRead = dwSize;
-    if (dwSize != nSize)
-      return FALSE;
-  }
-  if ( ((DWORD) lpBaseAddress >= pHashEntry->dwEIPOffset) && ((DWORD) lpBaseAddress <= (pHashEntry->dwEIPOffset+pHashEntry->dwEIPLen)) ) {
-    // Memory is located in EIP:
-    // Calculate the offset
-    DWORD dwOffset = (DWORD) lpBaseAddress - pHashEntry->dwEIPOffset;
-    DWORD dwSize = __min(nSize, MAX_ESP_LEN_BUF-dwOffset);
-    memcpy(lpBuffer, &(pHashEntry->pcEIPAddr[dwOffset]), dwSize);
-    *lpNumberOfBytesRead = dwSize;
-    if (dwSize != nSize)
-      return FALSE;
-  }
-  if (*lpNumberOfBytesRead == 0)  // Memory could not be found
-    return FALSE;
-  return TRUE;
-// AllocHashOutLeaks
-// Write all Memory (with callstack) which was not freed yet
-//   Returns the number of bytes, that are not freed (leaks)
-ULONG AllocHashOutLeaks(FILE *fFile) {
-  ULONG ulTemp;
-  AllocHashEntryType *pHashEntry;
-  ULONG ulCount = 0;
-  ULONG ulLeaksByte = 0;
-  // Move throu every entry
-  for(ulTemp = 0; ulTemp < ALLOC_HASH_ENTRIES; ulTemp++) {
-    pHashEntry = &AllocHashTable[ulTemp];
-    if (pHashEntry->lRequestID != 0) {
-      while(pHashEntry != NULL) {
-        if ( (pHashEntry->cRemovedFlag <= 0) || (pHashEntry->cRemovedFlag > 1) ) {
-          ulCount++;
-          if (g_CallstackOutputType == ACOutput_XML)
-            _ftprintf(fFile, _T("<LEAK requestID=\"%u\" size=\"%u\">\n"), pHashEntry->lRequestID, pHashEntry->nDataSize);
-          else
-            _ftprintf(fFile, _T("RequestID: %12i, Removed: %i, Size: %12i\n"), pHashEntry->lRequestID, pHashEntry->cRemovedFlag, pHashEntry->nDataSize);
-          CONTEXT c;
-          memset( &c, '\0', sizeof c );
-          c.Eip = pHashEntry->dwEIPOffset;
-          c.Ebp = pHashEntry->dwESPOffset;
-          ShowStackRM( NULL, c, fFile, &ReadProcMemoryFromHash, (HANDLE) pHashEntry->lRequestID);
-          // Count the number of leaky bytes
-          if (pHashEntry->nDataSize > 0)
-            ulLeaksByte += pHashEntry->nDataSize;
-          else
-            ulLeaksByte++;  // If memory was allocated with zero bytes, then just increase the counter 1
-          if (g_CallstackOutputType == ACOutput_XML)
-            _ftprintf(fFile, _T("</LEAK>\n"));  // terminate the xml-node
-        }
-        pHashEntry = pHashEntry->Next;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  if (g_CallstackOutputType != ACOutput_XML)
-    _ftprintf(fFile, _T("\n**** Number of leaks: %i\n"), ulCount);
-  return ulLeaksByte;
-}  // AllocHashOutLeaks
-// Write all used memory to a file
-void AllocHashOut(FILE *fFile) {
-  ULONG ulTemp;
-  AllocHashEntryType *pHashEntry;
-  for(ulTemp = 0; ulTemp < ALLOC_HASH_ENTRIES; ulTemp++) {
-    pHashEntry = &AllocHashTable[ulTemp];
-    if (pHashEntry->lRequestID != 0) {
-      while(pHashEntry != NULL) {
-        if (g_CallstackOutputType == ACOutput_XML)
-          _ftprintf(fFile, _T("<MEMUSED requestID=\"%u\" size=\"%u\"\n"), pHashEntry->lRequestID, pHashEntry->nDataSize);
-        else
-          _ftprintf(fFile, _T("RequestID: %12i, Removed: %i, Size: %12i\n"), pHashEntry->lRequestID, pHashEntry->cRemovedFlag, pHashEntry->nDataSize);
-        pHashEntry = pHashEntry->Next;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-}  // AllocHashOut
- * Ende der Hash-Tabelle
- *******************************************************************************/
-// The follwoing is copied from dbgint.h:
- * For diagnostic purpose, blocks are allocated with extra information and
- * stored in a doubly-linked list.  This makes all blocks registered with
- * how big they are, when they were allocated, and what they are used for.
- */
-#define nNoMansLandSize 4
-typedef struct _CrtMemBlockHeader
-        struct _CrtMemBlockHeader * pBlockHeaderNext;
-        struct _CrtMemBlockHeader * pBlockHeaderPrev;
-        char *                      szFileName;
-        int                         nLine;
-#ifdef _WIN64
-        /* These items are reversed on Win64 to eliminate gaps in the struct
-         * and ensure that sizeof(struct)%16 == 0, so 16-byte alignment is
-         * maintained in the debug heap.
-         */
-        int                         nBlockUse;
-        std::size_t                      nDataSize;
-#else  /* _WIN64 */
-        std::size_t                      nDataSize;
-        int                         nBlockUse;
-#endif  /* _WIN64 */
-        long                        lRequest;
-        unsigned char               gap[nNoMansLandSize];
-        /* followed by:
-         *  unsigned char           data[nDataSize];
-         *  unsigned char           anotherGap[nNoMansLandSize];
-         */
-} _CrtMemBlockHeader;
-#define pbData(pblock) ((unsigned char *)((_CrtMemBlockHeader *)pblock + 1))
-#define pHdr(pbData) (((_CrtMemBlockHeader *)pbData)-1)
-// Global data:
-static BOOL g_bInitialized = FALSE;
-static HINSTANCE g_hImagehlpDll = NULL;
-static DWORD g_dwShowCount = 0;  // increase at every ShowStack-Call
-static CRITICAL_SECTION g_csFileOpenClose = {0};
-// Is used for syncronising call to MyAllocHook (to prevent reentrant calls)
-static LONG g_lMallocCalled = 0;
-static _CRT_ALLOC_HOOK pfnOldCrtAllocHook = NULL;
-// Deaktivate AllocHook, by increasing the Syncronisation-Counter
-static void DeactivateMallocStackwalker(void) {
-  InterlockedIncrement(&g_lMallocCalled);
-// MyAllocHook is Single-Threaded, that means the the calls are serialized in the calling function!
-// Special case for VC 5
-#if _MSC_VER <= 1100
-static int MyAllocHook(int nAllocType, void *pvData,
-      std::size_t nSize, int nBlockUse, long lRequest,
-      const char * szFileName, int nLine ) {
-static int MyAllocHook(int nAllocType, void *pvData,
-      std::size_t nSize, int nBlockUse, long lRequest,
-      const unsigned char * szFileName, int nLine ) {
-  static TCHAR *operation[] = { _T(""), _T("ALLOCATIONG"), _T("RE-ALLOCATING"), _T("FREEING") };
-  static TCHAR *blockType[] = { _T("Free"), _T("Normal"), _T("CRT"), _T("Ignore"), _T("Client") };
-  if (_BLOCK_TYPE(nBlockUse) == _CRT_BLOCK)  // Ignore internal C runtime library allocations
-    return TRUE;
-  extern int _crtDbgFlag;
-  if  ( ((_CRTDBG_ALLOC_MEM_DF & _crtDbgFlag) == 0) && ( (nAllocType == _HOOK_ALLOC) || (nAllocType == _HOOK_REALLOC) ) )
-  {
-    // Someone has disabled that the runtime should log this allocation
-    // so we do not log this allocation
-    if (pfnOldCrtAllocHook != NULL)
-      pfnOldCrtAllocHook(nAllocType, pvData, nSize, nBlockUse, lRequest, szFileName, nLine);
-    return TRUE;
-  }
-  // Prevent from reentrat calls
-  if (InterlockedIncrement(&g_lMallocCalled) > 1) { // I was already called
-    InterlockedDecrement(&g_lMallocCalled);
-    // call the previous alloc hook
-    if (pfnOldCrtAllocHook != NULL)
-      pfnOldCrtAllocHook(nAllocType, pvData, nSize, nBlockUse, lRequest, szFileName, nLine);
-    return TRUE;
-  }
-  if (g_ulShowStackAtAlloc > 0) {
-    AllocCheckFileOpen();  // Open logfile
-  }
-   _ASSERT( (nAllocType == _HOOK_ALLOC) || (nAllocType == _HOOK_REALLOC) || (nAllocType == _HOOK_FREE) );
-   _ASSERT( ( _BLOCK_TYPE(nBlockUse) >= 0 ) && ( _BLOCK_TYPE(nBlockUse) < 5 ) );
-  if (nAllocType == _HOOK_FREE) { // freeing
-    // Try to get the header information
-    if (_CrtIsValidHeapPointer(pvData)) {  // it is a valid Heap-Pointer
-      // get the ID
-      _CrtMemBlockHeader *pHead;
-      // get a pointer to memory block header
-      pHead = pHdr(pvData);
-      nSize = pHead->nDataSize;
-      lRequest = pHead->lRequest; // This is the ID!
-      if (pHead->nBlockUse == _IGNORE_BLOCK)
-      {
-        InterlockedDecrement(&g_lMallocCalled);
-        if (pfnOldCrtAllocHook != NULL)
-          pfnOldCrtAllocHook(nAllocType, pvData, nSize, nBlockUse, lRequest, szFileName, nLine);
-        return TRUE;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  if (g_ulShowStackAtAlloc > 0) {
-    _ftprintf( g_fFile, _T("##### Memory operation: %s a %d-byte '%s' block (# %ld)"),
-      operation[nAllocType], nSize, blockType[_BLOCK_TYPE(nBlockUse)], lRequest );
-    if ( pvData != NULL )
-      _ftprintf( g_fFile, _T(" at 0x%X"), pvData );
-    _ftprintf(g_fFile, _T("\n"));
-  }
-  if (nAllocType == _HOOK_FREE) { // freeing:
-    if (lRequest != 0) {  // RequestID was found
-      BOOL bRet;
-      // Try to find the RequestID in the Hash-Table, mark it that it was freed
-      bRet = AllocHashRemove(lRequest);
-      if(g_ulShowStackAtAlloc > 0) {
-        if (bRet == FALSE) {
-          // RequestID not found!
-          _ftprintf(g_fFile, _T("###### RequestID not found in hash table for FREEING (%i)!\n"), lRequest);
-        }
-      } // g_ulShowStackAtAlloc > 0
-    }
-    else {
-      if(g_ulShowStackAtAlloc > 0) {
-      // No valid RequestID found, display error
-      _ftprintf(g_fFile, _T("###### No valid RequestID for FREEING! (0x%X)\n"), pvData);
-      }
-    }
-  }  // freeing
-  if (nAllocType == _HOOK_REALLOC) { // re-allocating
-    // Try to get the header information
-    if (_CrtIsValidHeapPointer(pvData)) {  // it is a valid Heap-Pointer
-      BOOL bRet;
-      LONG lReallocRequest;
-      // get the ID
-      _CrtMemBlockHeader *pHead;
-      // get a pointer to memory block header
-      pHead = pHdr(pvData);
-      // Try to find the RequestID in the Hash-Table, mark it that it was freed
-      lReallocRequest = pHead->lRequest;
-      bRet = AllocHashRemove(lReallocRequest);
-      if (g_ulShowStackAtAlloc > 0) {
-        if (bRet == FALSE) {
-          // RequestID not found!
-          _ftprintf(g_fFile, _T("###### RequestID not found in hash table for RE-ALLOCATING (%i)!\n"), lReallocRequest);
-        }
-        else {
-          _ftprintf(g_fFile, _T("##### Implicit freeing because of re-allocation (# old: %ld, new: %ld)\n"), lReallocRequest, lRequest);
-        }
-      }  // g_ulShowStackAtAlloc > 0
-    }  // ValidHeapPointer
-  }  // re-allocating
-  if ( (g_ulShowStackAtAlloc < 3) && (nAllocType == _HOOK_FREE) ) {
-    InterlockedDecrement(&g_lMallocCalled);
-    // call the previous alloc hook
-    if (pfnOldCrtAllocHook != NULL)
-      pfnOldCrtAllocHook(nAllocType, pvData, nSize, nBlockUse, lRequest, szFileName, nLine);
-    return TRUE;
-  }
-  // Get the context DIESES of this Thread
-  HANDLE hThread;
-  if (DuplicateHandle( GetCurrentProcess(), GetCurrentThread(),
-    GetCurrentProcess(), &hThread, 0, false, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS ) == 0) {
-      // Something was wrong...
-      _ftprintf(g_fFile, _T("###### Could not call 'DuplicateHandle' successfully\n"));
-      InterlockedDecrement(&g_lMallocCalled);
-      // call the previous alloc hook
-      if (pfnOldCrtAllocHook != NULL)
-        pfnOldCrtAllocHook(nAllocType, pvData, nSize, nBlockUse, lRequest, szFileName, nLine);
-      return TRUE;
-  }
-  memset( &c, '\0', sizeof c );
-  c.ContextFlags = CONTEXT_FULL;
-  // init CONTEXT record so we know where to start the stackwalk
-  if ( GetThreadContext( hThread, &c )  == 0) {
-    if(g_ulShowStackAtAlloc > 1) {
-      _ftprintf(g_fFile, _T("###### Could not call 'GetThreadContext' successfully\n"));
-    }
-    InterlockedDecrement(&g_lMallocCalled);
-    // call the previous alloc hook
-    if (pfnOldCrtAllocHook != NULL)
-      pfnOldCrtAllocHook(nAllocType, pvData, nSize, nBlockUse, lRequest, szFileName, nLine);
-    CloseHandle(hThread);
-    return TRUE; // could not get context
-  }
-  if(g_ulShowStackAtAlloc > 1) {
-    if(g_ulShowStackAtAlloc > 2) {
-      // output the callstack
-      ShowStack( hThread, c, g_fFile);
-    }
-    else {
-      // Output only (re)allocs
-      if (nAllocType != _HOOK_FREE) {
-        ShowStack( hThread, c, g_fFile);
-      }
-    }
-  }  // g_ulShowStackAtAlloc > 1
-  CloseHandle( hThread );
-  // Only isert in the Hash-Table if it is not a "freeing"
-  if (nAllocType != _HOOK_FREE) {
-    if(lRequest != 0) // Always a valid RequestID should be provided (see comments in the header)
-      AllocHashInsert(lRequest, c, nSize);
-  }
-  InterlockedDecrement(&g_lMallocCalled);
-  // call the previous alloc hook
-  if (pfnOldCrtAllocHook != NULL)
-    pfnOldCrtAllocHook(nAllocType, pvData, nSize, nBlockUse, lRequest, szFileName, nLine);
-  return TRUE; // allow the memory operation to proceed
-// ##########################################################################################
-// ##########################################################################################
-// ##########################################################################################
-// ##########################################################################################
-#define gle (GetLastError())
-#define lenof(a) (sizeof(a) / sizeof((a)[0]))
-#define MAXNAMELEN 1024 // max name length for found symbols
-#define TTBUFLEN 8096 // for a temp buffer (2^13)
-// SymCleanup()
-typedef BOOL (__stdcall *tSC)( IN HANDLE hProcess );
-tSC pSC = NULL;
-// SymFunctionTableAccess()
-typedef PVOID (__stdcall *tSFTA)( HANDLE hProcess, DWORD AddrBase );
-// SymGetLineFromAddr()
-typedef BOOL (__stdcall *tSGLFA)( IN HANDLE hProcess, IN DWORD dwAddr,
-  OUT PDWORD pdwDisplacement, OUT PIMAGEHLP_LINE Line );
-// SymGetModuleBase()
-typedef DWORD (__stdcall *tSGMB)( IN HANDLE hProcess, IN DWORD dwAddr );
-// SymGetModuleInfo()
-typedef BOOL (__stdcall *tSGMI)( IN HANDLE hProcess, IN DWORD dwAddr, OUT PIMAGEHLP_MODULE ModuleInfo );
-// SymGetOptions()
-typedef DWORD (__stdcall *tSGO)( VOID );
-// SymGetSymFromAddr()
-typedef BOOL (__stdcall *tSGSFA)( IN HANDLE hProcess, IN DWORD dwAddr,
-  OUT PDWORD pdwDisplacement, OUT PIMAGEHLP_SYMBOL Symbol );
-// SymInitialize()
-typedef BOOL (__stdcall *tSI)( IN HANDLE hProcess, IN PSTR UserSearchPath, IN BOOL fInvadeProcess );
-tSI pSI = NULL;
-// SymLoadModule()
-typedef DWORD (__stdcall *tSLM)( IN HANDLE hProcess, IN HANDLE hFile,
-  IN PSTR ImageName, IN PSTR ModuleName, IN DWORD BaseOfDll, IN DWORD SizeOfDll );
-// SymSetOptions()
-typedef DWORD (__stdcall *tSSO)( IN DWORD SymOptions );
-// StackWalk()
-typedef BOOL (__stdcall *tSW)( DWORD MachineType, HANDLE hProcess,
-  HANDLE hThread, LPSTACKFRAME StackFrame, PVOID ContextRecord,
-tSW pSW = NULL;
-// UnDecorateSymbolName()
-typedef DWORD (__stdcall WINAPI *tUDSN)( PCSTR DecoratedName, PSTR UnDecoratedName,
-  DWORD UndecoratedLength, DWORD Flags );
-struct ModuleEntry
-  std::string imageName;
-  std::string moduleName;
-  DWORD baseAddress;
-  DWORD size;
-typedef std::vector< ModuleEntry > ModuleList;
-typedef ModuleList::iterator ModuleListIter;
-// **************************************** ToolHelp32 ************************
-#define MAX_MODULE_NAME32 255
-#define TH32CS_SNAPMODULE   0x00000008
-#pragma pack( push, 8 )
-typedef struct tagMODULEENTRY32
-    DWORD   dwSize;
-    DWORD   th32ModuleID;       // This module
-    DWORD   th32ProcessID;      // owning process
-    DWORD   GlblcntUsage;       // Global usage count on the module
-    DWORD   ProccntUsage;       // Module usage count in th32ProcessID's context
-    BYTE  * modBaseAddr;        // Base address of module in th32ProcessID's context
-    DWORD   modBaseSize;        // Size in bytes of module starting at modBaseAddr
-    HMODULE hModule;            // The hModule of this module in th32ProcessID's context
-    char    szModule[MAX_MODULE_NAME32 + 1];
-    char    szExePath[MAX_PATH];
-#pragma pack( pop )
-static bool GetModuleListTH32(ModuleList& modules, DWORD pid, FILE *fLogFile)
-  // CreateToolhelp32Snapshot()
-  typedef HANDLE (__stdcall *tCT32S)(DWORD dwFlags, DWORD th32ProcessID);
-  // Module32First()
-  typedef BOOL (__stdcall *tM32F)(HANDLE hSnapshot, LPMODULEENTRY32 lpme);
-  // Module32Next()
-  typedef BOOL (__stdcall *tM32N)(HANDLE hSnapshot, LPMODULEENTRY32 lpme);
-  // try both dlls...
-  const TCHAR *dllname[] = { _T("kernel32.dll"), _T("tlhelp32.dll") };
-  HINSTANCE hToolhelp;
-  tCT32S pCT32S;
-  tM32F pM32F;
-  tM32N pM32N;
-  HANDLE hSnap;
-  me.dwSize = sizeof(me);
-  bool keepGoing;
-  ModuleEntry e;
-  int i;
-  for (i = 0; i<lenof(dllname); i++ )
-  {
-    hToolhelp = LoadLibrary( dllname[i] );
-    if (hToolhelp == NULL)
-      continue;
-    pCT32S = (tCT32S) GetProcAddress(hToolhelp, "CreateToolhelp32Snapshot");
-    pM32F = (tM32F) GetProcAddress(hToolhelp, "Module32First");
-    pM32N = (tM32N) GetProcAddress(hToolhelp, "Module32Next");
-    if ( pCT32S != 0 && pM32F != 0 && pM32N != 0 )
-      break; // found the functions!
-    FreeLibrary(hToolhelp);
-    hToolhelp = NULL;
-  }
-  if (hToolhelp == NULL)
-    return false;
-  hSnap = pCT32S( TH32CS_SNAPMODULE, pid );
-  if (hSnap == (HANDLE) -1)
-    return false;
-  keepGoing = !!pM32F( hSnap, &me );
-  while (keepGoing)
-  {
-    e.imageName = me.szExePath;
-    e.moduleName = me.szModule;
-    e.baseAddress = (DWORD) me.modBaseAddr;
-    e.size = me.modBaseSize;
-    modules.push_back( e );
-    keepGoing = !!pM32N( hSnap, &me );
-  }
-  CloseHandle(hSnap);
-  FreeLibrary(hToolhelp);
-  return !modules.empty();
-}  // GetModuleListTH32
-// **************************************** PSAPI ************************
-typedef struct _MODULEINFO {
-    LPVOID lpBaseOfDll;
-    DWORD SizeOfImage;
-    LPVOID EntryPoint;
-static bool GetModuleListPSAPI(ModuleList &modules, DWORD pid, HANDLE hProcess, FILE *fLogFile)
-  // EnumProcessModules()
-  typedef BOOL (__stdcall *tEPM)(HANDLE hProcess, HMODULE *lphModule, DWORD cb, LPDWORD lpcbNeeded );
-  // GetModuleFileNameEx()
-  typedef DWORD (__stdcall *tGMFNE)(HANDLE hProcess, HMODULE hModule, LPSTR lpFilename, DWORD nSize );
-  // GetModuleBaseName()
-  typedef DWORD (__stdcall *tGMBN)(HANDLE hProcess, HMODULE hModule, LPSTR lpFilename, DWORD nSize );
-  // GetModuleInformation()
-  typedef BOOL (__stdcall *tGMI)(HANDLE hProcess, HMODULE hModule, LPMODULEINFO pmi, DWORD nSize );
-  HINSTANCE hPsapi;
-  tEPM pEPM;
-  tGMI pGMI;
-  DWORD i;
-  ModuleEntry e;
-  DWORD cbNeeded;
-  HMODULE *hMods = 0;
-  char *tt = 0;
-  hPsapi = LoadLibrary( _T("psapi.dll") );
-  if ( hPsapi == 0 )
-    return false;
-  modules.clear();
-  pEPM = (tEPM) GetProcAddress( hPsapi, "EnumProcessModules" );
-  pGMFNE = (tGMFNE) GetProcAddress( hPsapi, "GetModuleFileNameExA" );
-  pGMBN = (tGMFNE) GetProcAddress( hPsapi, "GetModuleBaseNameA" );
-  pGMI = (tGMI) GetProcAddress( hPsapi, "GetModuleInformation" );
-  if ( pEPM == 0 || pGMFNE == 0 || pGMBN == 0 || pGMI == 0 )
-  {
-    // we couldn´t find all functions
-    FreeLibrary( hPsapi );
-    return false;
-  }
-  hMods = (HMODULE*) malloc(sizeof(HMODULE) * (TTBUFLEN / sizeof HMODULE));
-  tt = (char*) malloc(sizeof(char) * TTBUFLEN);
-  if ( ! pEPM( hProcess, hMods, TTBUFLEN, &cbNeeded ) )
-  {
-    _ftprintf(fLogFile, _T("%lu: EPM failed, GetLastError = %lu\n"), g_dwShowCount, gle );
-    goto cleanup;
-  }
-  if ( cbNeeded > TTBUFLEN )
-  {
-    _ftprintf(fLogFile, _T("%lu: More than %lu module handles. Huh?\n"), g_dwShowCount, lenof( hMods ) );
-    goto cleanup;
-  }
-  for ( i = 0; i < cbNeeded / sizeof hMods[0]; i++ )
-  {
-    // base address, size
-    pGMI(hProcess, hMods[i], &mi, sizeof mi );
-    e.baseAddress = (DWORD) mi.lpBaseOfDll;
-    e.size = mi.SizeOfImage;
-    // image file name
-    tt[0] = 0;
-    pGMFNE(hProcess, hMods[i], tt, TTBUFLEN );
-    e.imageName = tt;
-    // module name
-    tt[0] = 0;
-    pGMBN(hProcess, hMods[i], tt, TTBUFLEN );
-    e.moduleName = tt;
-    modules.push_back(e);
-  }
-  if (hPsapi)
-    FreeLibrary(hPsapi);
-  free(tt);
-  free(hMods);
-  return !modules.empty();
-}  // GetModuleListPSAPI
-static bool GetModuleList(ModuleList& modules, DWORD pid, HANDLE hProcess, FILE *fLogFile)
-  // first try toolhelp32
-  if (GetModuleListTH32(modules, pid, fLogFile) )
-    return true;
-  // then try psapi
-  return GetModuleListPSAPI(modules, pid, hProcess, fLogFile);
-}  // GetModuleList
-static void EnumAndLoadModuleSymbols( HANDLE hProcess, DWORD pid, FILE *fLogFile )
-  static ModuleList modules;
-  static ModuleListIter it;
-  char *img, *mod;
-  // fill in module list
-  GetModuleList(modules, pid, hProcess, fLogFile);
-  for ( it = modules.begin(); it != modules.end(); ++ it )
-  {
-    // SymLoadModule() wants writeable strings
-    img = strdup(it->imageName.c_str());
-    mod = strdup(it->moduleName.c_str());
-    pSLM( hProcess, 0, img, mod, it->baseAddress, it->size );
-    free(img);
-    free(mod);
-    std::string s;
-  }
-}  // EnumAndLoadModuleSymbols
-static int InitStackWalk(void)
-  if (g_bInitialized != FALSE)
-    return 0;  // already initialized
-  // old:  we load imagehlp.dll dynamically because the NT4-version does not
-  // old: offer all the functions that are in the NT5 lib
-  // 02-12-19: Now we only support dbghelp.dll!
-  //           To use it on NT you have to install the redistrubutable for DBGHELP.DLL
-  g_hImagehlpDll = LoadLibrary( _T("dbghelp.dll") );
-  if ( g_hImagehlpDll == NULL )
-  {
-    printf( "LoadLibrary( \"dbghelp.dll\" ): GetLastError = %lu\n", gle );
-    g_bInitialized = FALSE;
-    return 1;
-  }
-  pSC = (tSC) GetProcAddress( g_hImagehlpDll, "SymCleanup" );
-  pSFTA = (tSFTA) GetProcAddress( g_hImagehlpDll, "SymFunctionTableAccess" );
-  pSGLFA = (tSGLFA) GetProcAddress( g_hImagehlpDll, "SymGetLineFromAddr" );
-  pSGMB = (tSGMB) GetProcAddress( g_hImagehlpDll, "SymGetModuleBase" );
-  pSGMI = (tSGMI) GetProcAddress( g_hImagehlpDll, "SymGetModuleInfo" );
-  pSGO = (tSGO) GetProcAddress( g_hImagehlpDll, "SymGetOptions" );
-  pSGSFA = (tSGSFA) GetProcAddress( g_hImagehlpDll, "SymGetSymFromAddr" );
-  pSI = (tSI) GetProcAddress( g_hImagehlpDll, "SymInitialize" );
-  pSSO = (tSSO) GetProcAddress( g_hImagehlpDll, "SymSetOptions" );
-  pSW = (tSW) GetProcAddress( g_hImagehlpDll, "StackWalk" );
-  pUDSN = (tUDSN) GetProcAddress( g_hImagehlpDll, "UnDecorateSymbolName" );
-  pSLM = (tSLM) GetProcAddress( g_hImagehlpDll, "SymLoadModule" );
-  if ( pSC == NULL || pSFTA == NULL || pSGMB == NULL || pSGMI == NULL ||
-    pSGO == NULL || pSGSFA == NULL || pSI == NULL || pSSO == NULL ||
-    pSW == NULL || pUDSN == NULL || pSLM == NULL )
-  {
-    printf( "GetProcAddress(): some required function not found.\n" );
-    FreeLibrary( g_hImagehlpDll );
-    g_bInitialized = FALSE;
-    return 1;
-  }
-  g_bInitialized = TRUE;
-  InitializeCriticalSection(&g_csFileOpenClose);
-  return 0;
-// This function if NOT multi-threading capable
-// It should only be called from the main-Function!
-int InitAllocCheckWN(eAllocCheckOutput eOutput, LPCTSTR pszFileName, ULONG ulShowStackAtAlloc) {
-  if (g_bInitialized) {
-    return 2;  // already initialized!
-  }
-  if (ulShowStackAtAlloc <= 3)
-    g_ulShowStackAtAlloc = ulShowStackAtAlloc;
-  else
-    g_ulShowStackAtAlloc = 0;
-  if (pszFileName != NULL)
-    g_pszAllocLogName = _tcsdup(pszFileName);
-  else
-    g_pszAllocLogName = NULL;
-  g_CallstackOutputType = eOutput;
-#ifdef _DEBUG
-  AllocHashInit();
-  HRESULT hr;
-  // erzeuge mein malloc-Spy object
-  LPMALLOCSPY pMallocSpy = new CMallocSpy(); // wird später durch Release freigegeben
-  if (pMallocSpy != NULL)
-  {
-    // CoInitilize(); // ??? Ist dies notwendig ?
-    hr = CoRegisterMallocSpy(pMallocSpy);
-    if FAILED(hr)
-    {
-      _tprintf(_T("\nCoRegisterMallocSpay failed with %.8x"), hr);
-    }
-  }
-  // save the previous alloc hook
-  pfnOldCrtAllocHook = _CrtSetAllocHook(MyAllocHook);
-  return InitStackWalk();
-}  // InitAllocCheckWN
-static TCHAR s_szExceptionLogFileName[_MAX_PATH] = _T("\\exceptions.log");  // default
-static BOOL s_bUnhandledExeptionFilterSet = FALSE;
-static LONG __stdcall CrashHandlerExceptionFilter(EXCEPTION_POINTERS* pExPtrs)
-   LONG lRet;
-   lRet = StackwalkFilter(pExPtrs, /*EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH*/EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER, s_szExceptionLogFileName);
-   TCHAR lString[500];
-   _stprintf(lString,
-      _T("*** Unhandled Exception!\n")
-      _T("   ExpCode: 0x%8.8X\n")
-      _T("   ExpFlags: %d\n")
-      _T("   ExpAddress: 0x%8.8X\n")
-      _T("   Please report!"),
-      pExPtrs->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionCode,
-      pExPtrs->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionFlags,
-      pExPtrs->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionAddress);
-   FatalAppExit(-1,lString);
-   return lRet;
-int InitAllocCheck(eAllocCheckOutput eOutput, BOOL bSetUnhandledExeptionFilter, ULONG ulShowStackAtAlloc)  // will create the filename by itself
-  TCHAR szModName[_MAX_PATH];
-  if (GetModuleFileName(NULL, szModName, sizeof(szModName)/sizeof(TCHAR)) != 0)
-  {
-    _tcscpy(s_szExceptionLogFileName, szModName);
-    if (eOutput == ACOutput_XML)
-      _tcscat(s_szExceptionLogFileName, _T(".exp.xml"));
-    else
-      _tcscat(s_szExceptionLogFileName, _T(".exp.log"));
-    if (eOutput == ACOutput_XML)
-      _tcscat(szModName, _T(".mem.xml-leaks"));
-    else
-      _tcscat(szModName, _T(".mem.log"));
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    if (eOutput == ACOutput_XML)
-      _tcscpy(szModName, _T("\\mem-leaks.xml-leaks"));  // default
-    else
-      _tcscpy(szModName, _T("\\mem-leaks.log"));  // default
-  }
-  if (bSetUnhandledExeptionFilter != FALSE)
-  {
-    // set global exception handler (for handling all unhandled exceptions)
-    SetUnhandledExceptionFilter(CrashHandlerExceptionFilter);
-    s_bUnhandledExeptionFilterSet = TRUE;
-  }
-  return InitAllocCheckWN(eOutput, szModName, ulShowStackAtAlloc);
-// This function if NOT multi-threading capable
-// It should only be called from the main-Function!
-//   Returns the number of bytes that are not freed (leaks)
-ULONG DeInitAllocCheck(void) {
-  ULONG ulRet = 0;
-  if (g_bInitialized) {
-#ifdef _DEBUG
-    InterlockedIncrement(&g_lMallocCalled); // No deactivate MyAllocHook, because StackWalker will allocate some memory)
-    ulRet = AllocHashDeinit();  // output the not freed memory
-    // remove the hook and set the old one
-    _CrtSetAllocHook(pfnOldCrtAllocHook);
-    CoRevokeMallocSpy();
-    EnterCriticalSection(&g_csFileOpenClose);  // wait until a running stack dump was created
-    g_bInitialized = FALSE;
-    // de-init symbol handler etc. (SymCleanup())
-    if (pSC != NULL)
-      pSC( GetCurrentProcess() );
-    FreeLibrary( g_hImagehlpDll );
-    LeaveCriticalSection(&g_csFileOpenClose);
-    if (g_pszAllocLogName != NULL) {
-      free(g_pszAllocLogName);
-      g_pszAllocLogName = NULL;
-    }
-    if (g_fFile != NULL) {
-       fclose(g_fFile);
-       g_fFile = NULL;
-    }
-    DeleteCriticalSection(&g_csFileOpenClose);
-    InterlockedDecrement(&g_lMallocCalled);
-  }
-  if (s_bUnhandledExeptionFilterSet != TRUE)
-  {
-    SetUnhandledExceptionFilter(NULL);
-    s_bUnhandledExeptionFilterSet = FALSE;
-  }
-  return ulRet;
-}  // DeInitAllocCheck
-static TCHAR *GetExpectionCodeText(DWORD dwExceptionCode) {
-  switch(dwExceptionCode) {
-  case DBG_CONTROL_C : return _T("DBG CONTROL C ");
-  default:
-    return _T("<unkown exception>");
-  }
-}  // GetExpectionCodeText
-// Function is not multi-threading safe, because of static char!
-static TCHAR *GetAdditionalExpectionCodeText(PEXCEPTION_RECORD pExceptionRecord) {
-  static TCHAR szTemp[100];
-  switch(pExceptionRecord->ExceptionCode) {
-    if (pExceptionRecord->NumberParameters == 2) {
-      switch(pExceptionRecord->ExceptionInformation[0]) {
-      case 0: // read attempt
-        _stprintf(szTemp, _T(" read attempt to address 0x%8.8X "), pExceptionRecord->ExceptionInformation[1]);
-        return szTemp;
-      case 1: // write attempt
-        _stprintf(szTemp, _T(" write attempt to address 0x%8.8X "), pExceptionRecord->ExceptionInformation[1]);
-        return szTemp;
-      default:
-        return _T("");
-      }
-    }  // if (pExceptionRecord->NumberParameters == 2)
-    return _T("");
-  default:
-    return _T("");
-  }  // switch(pExceptionRecord->ExceptionCode)
-}  // GetAdditionalExpectionCodeText
-std::string SimpleXMLEncode(PCSTR szText)
-  std::string szRet;
-  for (std::size_t i=0; i<strlen(szText); i++)
-  {
-    switch(szText[i])
-    {
-    case '&':
-      szRet.append("&");
-      break;
-    case '<':
-      szRet.append("<");
-      break;
-    case '>':
-      szRet.append(">");
-      break;
-    case '"':
-      szRet.append(""");
-      break;
-    case '\'':
-      szRet.append("'");
-      break;
-    default:
-      szRet += szText[i];
-    }
-  }
-  return szRet;
-// #################################################################################
-// #################################################################################
-// Here the Stackwalk-Part begins.
-//   Some of the code is from an example from a book
-//   But I couldn´t find the reference anymore... sorry...
-//   If someone knowns, please let me know...
-// #################################################################################
-// #################################################################################
-// if you use C++ exception handling: install a translator function
-// with set_se_translator(). In the context of that function (but *not*
-// afterwards), you can either do your stack dump, or save the CONTEXT
-// record as a local copy. Note that you must do the stack sump at the
-// earliest opportunity, to avoid the interesting stackframes being gone
-// by the time you do the dump.
-// status:
-// - EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH: exception wird weitergereicht
-DWORD StackwalkFilter( EXCEPTION_POINTERS *ep, DWORD status, LPCTSTR pszLogFile)
-  HANDLE hThread;
-  FILE *fFile = stdout;  // default to stdout
-  if (pszLogFile != NULL) {  // a filename is provided
-    // Open the logfile
-    fFile = _tfopen(pszLogFile, _T("a"));
-    if (fFile != NULL) {  // Is the file too big?
-      long size;
-      fseek(fFile, 0, SEEK_END);
-      size = ftell(fFile);  // Get the size of the file
-      if (size >= LOG_FILE_MAX_SIZE) {
-        TCHAR *pszTemp = (TCHAR*) malloc(MAX_PATH);
-        // It is too big...
-        fclose(fFile);
-        _tcscpy(pszTemp, pszLogFile);
-        _tcscat(pszTemp, _T(".old"));
-        _tremove(pszTemp);  // Remove an old file, if exists
-        _trename(pszLogFile, pszTemp);  // rename the actual file
-        fFile = _tfopen(pszLogFile, _T("w"));  // create a new file
-        free(pszTemp);
-      }
-    }
-  }  // if (pszLogFile != NULL)
-  if (fFile == NULL) {
-    fFile = stdout;
-  }
-  // Write infos about the exception
-  if (g_CallstackOutputType == ACOutput_XML)
-  {
-    _ftprintf(fFile, _T("<EXCEPTION code=\"%8.8X\" addr=\"%8.8X\" "),
-      ep->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionCode,
-      ep->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionAddress);
-    WriteDateTime(fFile, TRUE);
-    _ftprintf(fFile, _T("code_desc=\"%s\" more_desc=\"%s\">\n"), GetExpectionCodeText(ep->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionCode),
-      GetAdditionalExpectionCodeText(ep->ExceptionRecord));
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    _ftprintf(fFile, _T("######## EXCEPTION: 0x%8.8X at address: 0x%8.8X"),
-      ep->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionCode,
-      ep->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionAddress);
-    _ftprintf(fFile, _T(": %s %s\n"), GetExpectionCodeText(ep->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionCode),
-      GetAdditionalExpectionCodeText(ep->ExceptionRecord));
-  }
-  DuplicateHandle( GetCurrentProcess(), GetCurrentThread(),
-    GetCurrentProcess(), &hThread, 0, false, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS );
-  ShowStack( hThread, *(ep->ContextRecord), fFile);
-  CloseHandle( hThread );
-  if (g_CallstackOutputType == ACOutput_XML)
-    _ftprintf(fFile, _T("</EXCEPTION>\n"));
-  fclose(fFile);
-  return status;
-}  // StackwalkFilter
-void ShowStack( HANDLE hThread, CONTEXT& c, LPCTSTR pszLogFile)
-  FILE *fFile = stdout;  // default to stdout
-  if (pszLogFile != NULL) {  // a filename is available
-    // Open the logfile
-    fFile = _tfopen(pszLogFile, _T("a"));
-    if (fFile != NULL) {  // Is the file too big?
-      long size;
-      fseek(fFile, 0, SEEK_END);
-      size = ftell(fFile);  // Get the size of the file
-      if (size >= LOG_FILE_MAX_SIZE) {
-        TCHAR *pszTemp = (TCHAR*) malloc(MAX_PATH);
-        // It is too big...
-        fclose(fFile);
-        _tcscpy(pszTemp, pszLogFile);
-        _tcscat(pszTemp, _T(".old"));
-        _tremove(pszTemp);  // Remove an old file, if exists
-        _trename(pszLogFile, pszTemp);  // rename the actual file
-        fFile = _tfopen(pszLogFile, _T("w"));  // open new file
-        free(pszTemp);
-      }
-    }
-  }  // if (pszLogFile != NULL)
-  if (fFile == NULL) {
-    fFile = stdout;
-  }
-  ShowStack( hThread, c, fFile);
-  fclose(fFile);
-static void ShowStack( HANDLE hThread, CONTEXT& c, FILE *fLogFile) {
-  ShowStackRM(hThread, c, fLogFile, NULL, GetCurrentProcess());
-static void ShowStackRM( HANDLE hThread, CONTEXT& c, FILE *fLogFile, PREAD_PROCESS_MEMORY_ROUTINE ReadMemoryFunction, HANDLE hSWProcess) {
-  // normally, call ImageNtHeader() and use machine info from PE header
-  HANDLE hProcess = GetCurrentProcess(); // hProcess normally comes from outside
-  int frameNum; // counts walked frames
-  DWORD offsetFromSymbol; // tells us how far from the symbol we were
-  DWORD offsetFromLine; // tells us how far from the line we were
-  DWORD symOptions; // symbol handler settings
-  static IMAGEHLP_SYMBOL *pSym = NULL;
-  char undName[MAXNAMELEN]; // undecorated name
-  char undFullName[MAXNAMELEN]; // undecorated name with all shenanigans
-  BOOL bXMLTagWrote;
-  std::string symSearchPath;
-  static bool bFirstTime = TRUE;
-  // If no logfile is present, outpur to "stdout"
-  if (fLogFile == NULL) {
-    fLogFile = stdout;
-  }
-  STACKFRAME s; // in/out stackframe
-  memset( &s, '\0', sizeof s );
-  if ( (g_bInitialized == FALSE) && (bFirstTime == TRUE) ) {
-    InitStackWalk();
-  }
-  if (g_bInitialized == FALSE)
-  {
-    // Could not init!!!!
-    bFirstTime = FALSE;
-    _ftprintf(fLogFile, _T("%lu: Stackwalker not initialized (or was not able to initialize)!\n"), g_dwShowCount);
-    return;
-  }
-// Critical section begin...
-  EnterCriticalSection(&g_csFileOpenClose);
-  InterlockedIncrement((long*) &g_dwShowCount);  // erhöhe counter
-  // NOTE: normally, the exe directory and the current directory should be taken
-  // from the target process. The current dir would be gotten through injection
-  // of a remote thread; the exe fir through either ToolHelp32 or PSAPI.
-  if (pSym == NULL) {
-    if (!pSym) goto cleanup;  // not enough memory...
-  }
-  if (g_CallstackOutputType != ACOutput_XML)
-  {
-    _ftprintf(fLogFile, _T("%lu: "), g_dwShowCount);
-    WriteDateTime(fLogFile);
-    _ftprintf(fLogFile, _T("\n"));
-  }
-  if (bFirstTime) {
-    CHAR *tt, *p;
-    tt = (CHAR*) malloc(sizeof(CHAR) * TTBUFLEN); // Get the temporary buffer
-    if (!tt) goto cleanup;  // not enough memory...
-    // build symbol search path from:
-    symSearchPath = "";
-    // current directory
-    if ( GetCurrentDirectoryA( TTBUFLEN, tt ) )
-      symSearchPath += tt + std::string( ";" );
-    // dir with executable
-    if ( GetModuleFileNameA( 0, tt, TTBUFLEN ) )
-    {
-      for ( p = tt + strlen( tt ) - 1; p >= tt; -- p )
-      {
-        // locate the rightmost path separator
-        if ( *p == '\\' || *p == '/' || *p == ':' )
-          break;
-      }
-      // if we found one, p is pointing at it; if not, tt only contains
-      // an exe name (no path), and p points before its first byte
-      if ( p != tt ) // path sep found?
-      {
-        if ( *p == ':' ) // we leave colons in place
-          ++ p;
-        *p = '\0'; // eliminate the exe name and last path sep
-        symSearchPath += tt + std::string( ";" );
-      }
-    }
-    // environment variable _NT_SYMBOL_PATH
-    if ( GetEnvironmentVariableA( "_NT_SYMBOL_PATH", tt, TTBUFLEN ) )
-      symSearchPath += tt + std::string( ";" );
-    // environment variable _NT_ALTERNATE_SYMBOL_PATH
-    if ( GetEnvironmentVariableA( "_NT_ALTERNATE_SYMBOL_PATH", tt, TTBUFLEN ) )
-      symSearchPath += tt + std::string( ";" );
-    // environment variable SYSTEMROOT
-    if ( GetEnvironmentVariableA( "SYSTEMROOT", tt, TTBUFLEN ) )
-      symSearchPath += tt + std::string( ";" );
-    if ( !symSearchPath.empty() ) // if we added anything, we have a trailing semicolon
-      symSearchPath = symSearchPath.substr( 0, symSearchPath.size() - 1 );
-    // why oh why does SymInitialize() want a writeable string?
-    strncpy( tt, symSearchPath.c_str(), TTBUFLEN );
-    tt[TTBUFLEN - 1] = '\0'; // if strncpy() overruns, it doesn't add the null terminator
-    // init symbol handler stuff (SymInitialize())
-    if ( ! pSI( hProcess, tt, false ) )
-    {
-      if (g_CallstackOutputType != ACOutput_XML)
-        _ftprintf(fLogFile, _T("%lu: SymInitialize(): GetLastError = %lu\n"), g_dwShowCount, gle );
-      if (tt) free( tt );
-      goto cleanup;
-    }
-    // SymGetOptions()
-    symOptions = pSGO();
-    symOptions |= SYMOPT_LOAD_LINES;
-    symOptions &= ~SYMOPT_UNDNAME;
-    symOptions &= ~SYMOPT_DEFERRED_LOADS;
-    pSSO( symOptions ); // SymSetOptions()
-    // Enumerate modules and tell imagehlp.dll about them.
-    // On NT, this is not necessary, but it won't hurt.
-    EnumAndLoadModuleSymbols( hProcess, GetCurrentProcessId(), fLogFile );
-    if (tt)
-      free( tt );
-  }  // bFirstTime = TRUE
-  bFirstTime = FALSE;
-  // init STACKFRAME for first call
-  // Notes: AddrModeFlat is just an assumption. I hate VDM debugging.
-  // Notes: will have to be #ifdef-ed for Alphas; MIPSes are dead anyway,
-  // and good riddance.
-  s.AddrPC.Offset = c.Eip;
-  s.AddrPC.Mode = AddrModeFlat;
-  s.AddrFrame.Offset = c.Ebp;
-  s.AddrFrame.Mode = AddrModeFlat;
-  memset( pSym, '\0', IMGSYMLEN + MAXNAMELEN );
-  pSym->SizeOfStruct = IMGSYMLEN;
-  pSym->MaxNameLength = MAXNAMELEN;
-  memset( &Line, '\0', sizeof Line );
-  Line.SizeOfStruct = sizeof Line;
-  memset( &Module, '\0', sizeof Module );
-  Module.SizeOfStruct = sizeof Module;
-  for ( frameNum = 0; ; ++ frameNum )
-  {
-    // get next stack frame (StackWalk(), SymFunctionTableAccess(), SymGetModuleBase())
-    // if this returns ERROR_INVALID_ADDRESS (487) or ERROR_NOACCESS (998), you can
-    // assume that either you are done, or that the stack is so hosed that the next
-    // deeper frame could not be found.
-    // CONTEXT need not to be suplied if imageTyp is IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386!
-    if ( ! pSW( imageType, hSWProcess, hThread, &s, NULL, ReadMemoryFunction, pSFTA, pSGMB, NULL ) )
-      break;
-    bXMLTagWrote = FALSE;
-    if (g_CallstackOutputType == ACOutput_Advanced)
-      _ftprintf(fLogFile, _T("\n%lu: %3d"), g_dwShowCount, frameNum);
-    if ( s.AddrPC.Offset == 0 )
-    {
-      // Special case: If we are here, we have no valid callstack entry!
-      switch(g_CallstackOutputType)
-      {
-      case ACOutput_Simple:
-        _ftprintf(fLogFile, _T("%lu: (-nosymbols- PC == 0)\n"), g_dwShowCount);
-        break;
-      case ACOutput_Advanced:
-        _ftprintf(fLogFile, _T("   (-nosymbols- PC == 0)\n"));
-        break;
-      case ACOutput_XML:
-        // TODO: ....
-        _ftprintf(fLogFile, _T("<STACKENTRY decl=\"(-nosymbols- PC == 0)\"/>\n"));
-        break;
-      }
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      // we seem to have a valid PC
-      undName[0] = 0;
-      undFullName[0] = 0;
-      offsetFromSymbol = 0;
-      // show procedure info (SymGetSymFromAddr())
-      if ( ! pSGSFA( hProcess, s.AddrPC.Offset, &offsetFromSymbol, pSym ) )
-      {
-        if (g_CallstackOutputType == ACOutput_Advanced)
-        {
-          if ( gle != 487 )
-            _ftprintf(fLogFile, _T("   SymGetSymFromAddr(): GetLastError = %lu\n"), gle );
-          else
-            _ftprintf(fLogFile, _T("\n"));
-        }
-      }
-      else
-      {
-        // UnDecorateSymbolName()
-        pUDSN( pSym->Name, undName, MAXNAMELEN, UNDNAME_NAME_ONLY );
-        pUDSN( pSym->Name, undFullName, MAXNAMELEN, UNDNAME_COMPLETE );
-        if (g_CallstackOutputType == ACOutput_Advanced)
-        {
-          if (strlen(undName) > 0)
-            fprintf(fLogFile, "     %s %+ld bytes\n", undName, (long) offsetFromSymbol );
-          else
-          {
-            fprintf(fLogFile, "     Sig:  %s %+ld bytes\n", pSym->Name, (long) offsetFromSymbol );
-            strcpy(undName, pSym->Name);
-          }
-          fprintf(fLogFile, "%lu:     Decl: %s\n", g_dwShowCount, undFullName );
-        }
-      }
-      //if (g_CallstackOutputType == ACOutput_XML)
-      //  fprintf(fLogFile, "decl=\"%s\" decl_offset=\"%+ld\" ", SimpleXMLEncode(undName).c_str(), (long) offsetFromSymbol);
-      // show line number info, NT5.0-method (SymGetLineFromAddr())
-      offsetFromLine = 0;
-      if ( pSGLFA != NULL )
-      { // yes, we have SymGetLineFromAddr()
-        if ( ! pSGLFA( hProcess, s.AddrPC.Offset, &offsetFromLine, &Line ) )
-        {
-          if ( (gle != 487) && (frameNum > 0) )  // ignore error for first frame
-          {
-            if (g_CallstackOutputType == ACOutput_XML)
-            {
-              _ftprintf(fLogFile, _T("<STACKENTRY "));
-              bXMLTagWrote = TRUE;
-              fprintf(fLogFile, "decl=\"%s\" decl_offset=\"%+ld\" ", SimpleXMLEncode(undName).c_str(), (long) offsetFromSymbol);
-              _ftprintf(fLogFile, _T("srcfile=\"SymGetLineFromAddr(): GetLastError = %lu\" "), gle);
-            }
-            else
-              _ftprintf(fLogFile, _T("%lu: SymGetLineFromAddr(): GetLastError = %lu\n"), g_dwShowCount, gle );
-          }
-        }
-        else
-        {
-          switch(g_CallstackOutputType)
-          {
-          case ACOutput_Advanced:
-            fprintf(fLogFile, "%lu:     Line: %s(%lu) %+ld bytes\n", g_dwShowCount,
-              Line.FileName, Line.LineNumber, offsetFromLine );
-            break;
-          case ACOutput_Simple:
-            fprintf(fLogFile, "%lu: %s(%lu) %+ld bytes (%s)\n", g_dwShowCount,
-              Line.FileName, Line.LineNumber, offsetFromLine, undName);
-            break;
-          case ACOutput_XML:
-            _ftprintf(fLogFile, _T("<STACKENTRY "));
-            bXMLTagWrote = TRUE;
-            fprintf(fLogFile, "decl=\"%s\" decl_offset=\"%+ld\" ", SimpleXMLEncode(undName).c_str(), (long) offsetFromSymbol);
-            fprintf(fLogFile, "srcfile=\"%s\" line=\"%lu\" line_offset=\"%+ld\" ",
-              SimpleXMLEncode(Line.FileName).c_str(), Line.LineNumber, offsetFromLine, undName);
-            break;
-          }
-        }
-      } // yes, we have SymGetLineFromAddr()
-      // show module info (SymGetModuleInfo())
-      if ( (g_CallstackOutputType == ACOutput_Advanced) || (g_CallstackOutputType == ACOutput_XML) )
-      {
-        if ( ! pSGMI( hProcess, s.AddrPC.Offset, &Module ) )
-        {
-          if (g_CallstackOutputType == ACOutput_Advanced)
-            _ftprintf(fLogFile, _T("%lu: SymGetModuleInfo): GetLastError = %lu\n"), g_dwShowCount, gle );
-        }
-        else
-        { // got module info OK
-          char ty[80];
-          switch ( Module.SymType )
-          {
-          case SymNone:
-            strcpy( ty, "-nosymbols-" );
-            break;
-          case SymCoff:
-            strcpy( ty, "COFF" );
-            break;
-          case SymCv:
-            strcpy( ty, "CV" );
-            break;
-          case SymPdb:
-            strcpy( ty, "PDB" );
-            break;
-          case SymExport:
-            strcpy( ty, "-exported-" );
-            break;
-          case SymDeferred:
-            strcpy( ty, "-deferred-" );
-            break;
-          case SymSym:
-            strcpy( ty, "SYM" );
-            break;
-          /* // TODO: #if API_VERSION_NUMBER >= 9 ?
-          case SymDia:
-            strcpy( ty, "DIA" );
-            break;*/
-          default:
-            _snprintf( ty, sizeof ty, "symtype=%ld", (long) Module.SymType );
-            break;
-          }
-          if (g_CallstackOutputType == ACOutput_XML)
-          {
-            // now, check if the XML-Entry is written...
-            if (bXMLTagWrote == FALSE)
-            {
-              _ftprintf(fLogFile, _T("<STACKENTRY "));
-              bXMLTagWrote = TRUE;
-              fprintf(fLogFile, "decl=\"%s\" decl_offset=\"%+ld\" ", SimpleXMLEncode(undName).c_str(), (long) offsetFromSymbol);
-              _ftprintf(fLogFile, _T("srcfile=\"\" "));
-              bXMLTagWrote = TRUE;
-            }
-          }
-          if (g_CallstackOutputType == ACOutput_Advanced)
-          {
-            fprintf(fLogFile, "%lu:     Mod:  %s, base: %08lxh\n", g_dwShowCount,
-              Module.ModuleName, Module.BaseOfImage );
-            if (Module.SymType == SymNone) { // Gebe nur aus, wenn keine Symbole vorhanden sind!
-              _ftprintf(fLogFile, _T("%lu:     Offset: 0x%8.8x\n"), g_dwShowCount, s.AddrPC.Offset);
-              fprintf(fLogFile, "%lu:     Sym:  type: %s, file: %s\n", g_dwShowCount,
-                ty, Module.LoadedImageName );
-            }
-          }
-          else
-          {
-            // XML:
-            if (bXMLTagWrote == TRUE)
-              fprintf(fLogFile, "module=\"%s\" base=\"%08lx\" ", Module.ModuleName, Module.BaseOfImage);
-          }
-        } // got module info OK
-      }
-      if ( (g_CallstackOutputType == ACOutput_XML) && (bXMLTagWrote == TRUE) )
-        _ftprintf(fLogFile, _T("/>\n"));  // terminate the XML node
-    } // we seem to have a valid PC
-    // no return address means no deeper stackframe
-    if ( s.AddrReturn.Offset == 0 )
-    {
-      // avoid misunderstandings in the printf() following the loop
-      SetLastError( 0 );
-      break;
-    }
-  } // for ( frameNum )
-  if ( (g_CallstackOutputType != ACOutput_XML) && (gle != 0) )
-    _ftprintf(fLogFile, _T("\n%lu: StackWalk(): GetLastError = %lu\n"), g_dwShowCount, gle );
-  //if (pSym) free( pSym );
-  if (fLogFile) {
-    _ftprintf(fLogFile, _T("\n\n"));
-    if (g_dwShowCount % 1000)
-      fflush(fLogFile);
-  }
-  LeaveCriticalSection(&g_csFileOpenClose);
-// Critical section end...
-}  // ShowStackRM
diff --git a/tests/xmltester/Stackwalker.h b/tests/xmltester/Stackwalker.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 7e342b2..0000000
--- a/tests/xmltester/Stackwalker.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
- *
- * GEOS - Geometry Engine Open Source
- * http://geos.osgeo.org
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2001-2002 Vivid Solutions Inc.
- *
- * This is free software; you can redistribute and/or modify it under
- * the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public Licence as published
- * by the Free Software Foundation.
- * See the COPYING file for more information.
- *
- **********************************************************************/
- *  Project:
- *    Memory_and_Exception_Trace
- *
- * ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- *  File:
- *    Stackwalker.h
- *
- *  Remarks:
- *
- *
- *  Note:
- *
- *
- *  Author:
- *    Jochen Kalmbach
- *
- *////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-#ifndef __STACKWALKER_H__
-#define __STACKWALKER_H__
-// Only valid in the following environment: Intel platform, MS VC++ 5/6/7
-#ifndef _X86_
-#error Only INTEL envirnoments are supported!
-// Only MS VC++ 5 to 7
-#if (_MSC_VER < 1100) || (_MSC_VER > 1300)
-//#warning Only MS VC++ 5/6/7 supported. Check if the '_CrtMemBlockHeader' has not changed with this compiler!
-typedef enum eAllocCheckOutput
-  ACOutput_Simple,
-  ACOutput_Advanced,
-  ACOutput_XML
-// Make extern "C", so it will also work with normal C-Programs
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-extern int InitAllocCheckWN(eAllocCheckOutput eOutput, LPCTSTR pszFilename, ULONG ulShowStackAtAlloc = 0);
-extern int InitAllocCheck(eAllocCheckOutput eOutput = ACOutput_Simple, BOOL bSetUnhandledExeptionFilter = TRUE, ULONG ulShowStackAtAlloc = 0);  // will create the filename by itself
-extern ULONG DeInitAllocCheck();
-extern DWORD StackwalkFilter( EXCEPTION_POINTERS *ep, DWORD status, LPCTSTR pszLogFile);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif  // __STACKWALKER_H__


Summary of changes:
 tests/xmltester/Stackwalker.cpp | 2333 ---------------------------------------
 tests/xmltester/Stackwalker.h   |   70 --
 2 files changed, 2403 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 tests/xmltester/Stackwalker.cpp
 delete mode 100644 tests/xmltester/Stackwalker.h


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