[geos-devel] compile problem

Chris G. Nicholas cgn at globexplorer.com
Thu Jan 15 07:01:49 EST 2004

d1750# more errs.log
gcc -shared -h libpostgis.so.0 postgis_debug.o postgis_ops.o postgis_fn.o postgis_inout.o postgis_
proj.o postgis_chip.o postgis_transform.o postgis_gist_72.o postgis_estimate.o postgis_geos.o post
gis_geos_wrapper.o postgis_algo.o -L../../src/port -L../../src/port  -lstdc++ -L/usr/local/lib -lg
eos -L/usr/local/lib -lproj   -R/usr/local/pgsql/lib -o libpostgis.so.0.8
just wondering if anyone has seen wierdness like this before; using Solaris 5.9 and GCC 3.2.2


Chris Nicholas

Text relocation remains                         referenced
    against symbol                  offset      in file
<unknown>                           0x2192      postgis_geos_wrapper.o
std::__ioinit                       0x3654      postgis_geos_wrapper.o
std::__ioinit                       0x3665      postgis_geos_wrapper.o
<unknown>                           0x18c       postgis_geos_wrapper.o
<unknown>                           0x1bd       postgis_geos_wrapper.o
<unknown>                           0x1c2       postgis_geos_wrapper.o
<unknown>                           0x4         postgis_geos_wrapper.o
<unknown>                           0x8         postgis_geos_wrapper.o
<unknown>                           0xc         postgis_geos_wrapper.o
<unknown>                           0x10        postgis_geos_wrapper.o
<unknown>                           0x14        postgis_geos_wrapper.o
<unknown>                           0x18        postgis_geos_wrapper.o
<unknown>                           0x1c        postgis_geos_wrapper.o
std::__default_alloc_template<(bool)1, (int)0>::_Lock::~_Lock [in-charge]()0x161        postgis_ge
std::__default_alloc_template<(bool)1, (int)0>::_Lock::~_Lock [in-charge]()0x1e9        postgis_ge

(lots more yucky stuff...)

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