[geos-devel] Assertions in CoordinateArraySequence

Charlie Savage cfis at savagexi.com
Mon Jun 26 14:25:06 EDT 2006

> Please, see exactly what I've written: hundreds/thousands and milions
> of iterations.

Mateusz - I read exactly what you wrote.  Please don't question my 
ability to read, I don't think its conductive to a good discussion.

> Here is my small benchmark measured with callgrind:
> http://mateusz.loskot.net/tmp/perf.png
> Here you have much more professional benchmarks that proof the same:
> http://groups.google.pl/group/misc.test/browse_frm/thread/19f69cead14a07e2/

Excellent, thanks for the pointers, these certainly prove the point and 
answer  my question.

Anyway, as we discussed yesterday, I'm happy with "safe" versions of 
these methods. Strk, what do you think?


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