[geos-devel] Assertions in CoordinateArraySequence

Mateusz Loskot mateusz at loskot.net
Mon Jun 26 14:38:57 EDT 2006

Charlie Savage wrote:
>> Please, see exactly what I've written: hundreds/thousands and 
>> milions of iterations.
> Mateusz - I read exactly what you wrote.  Please don't question my 
> ability to read, I don't think its conductive to a good discussion.


Forgive me my impoliteness, I didn't want you to understand it that way.
It wasn't my goal to question your ability to read.
Simply, I had an impression that your reply considers single if, as
"imagining an if statement". That's why I decided to underline the sense
of my post.

>> Here is my small benchmark measured with callgrind: 
>> http://mateusz.loskot.net/tmp/perf.png Here you have much more 
>> professional benchmarks that proof the same: 
>> http://groups.google.pl/group/misc.test/browse_frm/thread/19f69cead14a07e2/
> Excellent, thanks for the pointers, these certainly prove the point 
> and answer  my question.

I'm happy to hear it.

> Anyway, as we discussed yesterday, I'm happy with "safe" versions of 
> these methods. Strk, what do you think?

Yeah, strk what do you think?

This would start implementing my secret plan to follow STL interface
design, heh :-)))

Mateusz Loskot

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