[geos-devel] File names

Howard Butler hobu at iastate.edu
Fri Mar 10 12:48:53 EST 2006

+1 for SVN.  Put it all in SVN and *then* rename it

At 11:35 AM 3/10/2006, Paul Ramsey wrote:
>Change for changes sake? :)  We could lint all the files too, while
>we are at it :)
>I'll bow to the will of the developers though... this is something
>best done at the archive level, I believe, since we are in CVS not
>SVN. Hey, speaking of disruptive change, how about an SVN archive :)
>On 10-Mar-06, at 8:42 AM, Mateusz Łoskot wrote:
>>What do you think about making sources file names consistent?
>>I'd suggest two rename them to lower-case, no camel-case or so.
>>Now, there is no consistent rule so some fiels are named with
>>CameCase, other as camelCaseWithFirstLetterLowerCase, yet another
>>are written all lowercase.
>>What do you think about that?
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