[geos-devel] GEOS, Shapely, DLLs, and memory

Charlie Savage cfis at savagexi.com
Tue Apr 28 15:28:03 EDT 2009

>> Well, there is another way (not necessarily "better"), which is to
>> compile the GEOS dll yourself using the same runtime that you use in
>> your main application. That is what I have been doing this whole time to
>> avoid this issue.
> It will not help.

Actually Ragi is correct, that does work.  And for an internal 
environment its fine. But for distributing GEOS binaries its too fragile 
because you never now what other runtime libraries will be linked into 
an application.

> You must not cross modules boundaries, it's well known issue on Windows
> platform.

If an executable and its dlls link against the exact same runtime 
library, you can cross module boundaries because all the memory and file 
handles are managed by the same instance of the runtime library (so in 
effect you aren't crossing runtime library boundaries).

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