[geos-devel] Segmentation Fault in ARM platform

Mateusz Loskot mateusz at loskot.net
Sat Feb 28 16:08:01 EST 2009

Adriano C Naspolini wrote:
> Hi people,
> I recently installed gdal-1.6.0+geos-3.0.3 in my pc as in my target
> prataform (an ARM). Initially, i had an endianess problem with gdal (the
> target arm is little endian in bytes but big endian in words, so 0x1234
> becomes 0x3412 and 0x12345678 becomes 0x56781234). After patching
> shapelib it's working.
> The problem now is with geos: a segmentation fault when I use Contains()
> function (also with Crosses(), there are certainly others). I think this
> could be the same endianness problem, or something like it, because the
> program runs normally on my pc.

Isn't ARM "switchable", so you can build software (here, GEOS) as little
or as big endian?

> [...]
> Any Idea?

If you are going to submit patches fixing this issue, that would be
strongly welcome and greatly appreciated.

Best regards,
Mateusz Loskot, http://mateusz.loskot.net
Charter Member of OSGeo, http://osgeo.org

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