[geos-devel] Benchmark between various geometry libraries

Barend Gehrels Barend.Gehrels at geodan.nl
Thu Nov 19 12:13:08 EST 2009


I don't want to mingle in this discussion but on this point:

> However given the geos implementation :
> https://svn.boost.org/svn/boost/sandbox/ggl/other/comparison_star_comb/geos/geos_starcomb.cpp
> It shouldn't be hard to write a similar JTS test. I never developed in
> Java though, so I am of little help here.
Someone of my company ported the benchmark (not the starcomb, but the 
one comparing different algorithms) to JTS a month ago.

I just committed it to the SVN at boost, to avoid the same work being 
done twice. With help of this the starcomb test might be ported more easily.

Regards, Barend

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