[geos-devel] Initial ffi-geos beta release now available

Daniel Azuma dazuma at alumni.caltech.edu
Thu Apr 14 20:33:15 EDT 2011

Great news on ffi-geos! I guess it's about time I started experimenting with getting RGeo running with it (since I can't seem to figure out how to use the supposed JRuby 1.6 C extension compatibility).


On 14 Apr, 2011, at 16:39, J Smith wrote:

> G'day list.
> I just wrapped up a (very) beta ruby gem for the ffi-geos library and
> it is now available on rubygems.org for anyone curious to see how the
> current state of affairs is stacking up. This is a very beta release
> that weighs in at a staggering version 0.0.1.beta1, and features:
> - a preference towards the current GEOS svn HEAD, a.k.a. the upcoming
> GEOS 3.3.0 release. It still works to some extent with previous GEOS
> versions, although some tests will bomb out for various reasons.
> - near feature parity with the PHP bindings. Hopefully I didn't miss
> anything, but, y'know, "beta" and all that. This means all sorts of
> new methods and functionality beyond the existing binary GEOS
> bindings, although I've tried to maintain backwards compatibility as
> much as possible while adding features where they make sense.
> - uses the re-entrant CAPI, so you can thread stuff. I haven't really
> tested the threading too much as I don't require it myself, but it
> appears to be working. ("Beta"!!)
> - pretty decent test coverage that works through 150 tests and 674 assertions.
> - the library has been tested on with ruby MRI 1.8.7 and 1.9.2 on OSX
> in both 32- and full-on 64-bit mode as well as linux in both 32- and
> 64-bit kernels, as well as JRuby 1.5 and 1.6 on these same platforms.
> At the moment Rubinius is missing a couple of enum functions I'm using
> but hopefully things will "Just Work" once that's fixed up. These
> tests environments were in development only, so take note that I have
> not used this gem in a production setting as yet. ("Beta"!)
> - I don't have a Windows-based ruby environment handy, so I haven't
> been able to test on Windows or write any of the required
> Windows-specific code, so patches for that are welcomed. I do have a
> bit of code I can add for MingW, however, if that helps anyone.
> So, the curious and those with a soft spot in their hearts for
> unproven beta software can install the gem to their hearts delight and
> start peppering me with the inevitable bug and issue reports. The gem
> is available for download at https://rubygems.org/gems/ffi-geos or via
> "gem install --pre ffi-geos", while the github repo for bug reports is
> available at https://github.com/dark-panda/ffi-geos .
> Lastly, just to be clear, this is beta software, so anyone relying on
> it for anything critical is nuts. I felt compelled to say that for
> some reason. BETA!
> Cheers
> J
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