[geos-devel] [GEOS] #605: Crash from GEOSBuffer: RightmostEdgeFinder.cpp: Assertion `checked>0` failed

GEOS geos-trac at osgeo.org
Tue Dec 4 11:07:39 PST 2012

#605: Crash from GEOSBuffer: RightmostEdgeFinder.cpp: Assertion `checked>0`
 Reporter:  strk      |       Owner:  geos-devel@…              
     Type:  defect    |      Status:  new                       
 Priority:  blocker   |   Milestone:  3.3.7                     
Component:  Default   |     Version:  3.3.6                     
 Severity:  Critical  |    Keywords:                            

Comment(by strk):

 About the grossbuffer.png image I posted above: that images shows a buffer
 performed on a precision grid of 10000 units per side, that why it looks
 so weird. It would be enough to limit the precisionModel to a fraction of
 max extent to avoid that broken result (better an exception there...)

Ticket URL: <http://trac.osgeo.org/geos/ticket/605#comment:18>
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