[geos-devel] Expose Extract Line

Sandro Santilli strk at keybit.net
Fri Mar 30 04:59:31 EDT 2012

On Wed, Mar 28, 2012 at 03:51:19PM -0300, George Silva wrote:
> Hello GEOS guys and gals!
> I would like to request that the Extract Line by Location function (
> http://geos.osgeo.org/doxygen/classgeos_1_1linearref_1_1ExtractLineByLocation.html)
> to
> be exposed in geos public API.
> What is the work involved in doing so?

1. file an enhancement ticket ( for milestone 3.4.0 )
2. write the function signature in capi/geos_c.h
3. prepare a testcase 
4. write the code in capi/geos_ts_c.cpp
5. write a wrapper in capi/geos_c.cpp
6. refine the testcase :)
7. attach a patch to the ticket.

> Can anyone point me to an example that I might try to code it?

Anything in capi/geos_ts_c.cpp

> Or there are problems associated with exposing this function?

I guess you'd also need a function to compute locations ?


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