[geos-devel] Gsoc 2013

Sandro Santilli strk at keybit.net
Thu Apr 4 07:16:51 PDT 2013

On Thu, Apr 04, 2013 at 05:02:56PM +0530, vishal tiwari wrote:
> Hey,
> Here is the structure of classes that is required by the *
> VoronoiDiagramBuilder* class: (The ones in *bold* needs to be ported)
>    1. Geometry
>    2. Geometry Factor
>    3. QuadEdgeSubdivision:
>       - Methods required for *VoronoiDigramBuilder*:
>          - *getVoronoiDiagram*
>          - *getVoronoiCellPolugons*
>          - *getVoronoiCellPolugon*
>          - visitTriangle
>          - *getVertexUniqueEdges*
>          - TriangleCoordinateVisitor
>          - *TriangleCircumcenterVisitor*
>          - *TriangleEdgeListVisitor*
>          - *TriangleVertexListVisitor*
>          - *isFrameVertex*
>       4. TriangleVisitor(Interface)
> Plz let me know if i am missing some method or class which is required
> for VoronoiDiagramBuilder port.

Again, looking is part of the work.
You'll find out as you start porting if anything is missing.

> Is it me or its very few work for a Gsoc Project?

Don't forget the testcases for the C++ implementation, 
the C-API exposure and relative testcases and audit for
memory leakage.

After you've done, if you still have time it'd be nice to
work on improving the performance of it :)


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