[geos-devel] improvement of point/line intersection

Rémi Cura remi.cura at gmail.com
Fri Nov 22 08:25:00 PST 2013

Hey dear list,

after much worries,
I just submitted a pull request to propose a very tiny change in geos
LineIntersector.cpp file.

Now a point is considered to be on a line much more often, as line have a
controlled thickness.

The thickness of a line is defined so that a point that shall be on the
line with the correct first 12 digits would be on it, even if the other
digits are wrong.

All lines have not the same thickness is real world units, because the
tickness depends of the number of digits in coordinates.

This improves a lot of function working with points and lines, and
shouldn't change computation time (there where already 2 tests).

With synthetic data precise to the millimeter across all France, I had no
error for 1 million lines.
Theoretically there could still be some lines that have no points. (one in
10 million or so?)
I can't solve this without changing much more the current RobustDet


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