[geos-devel] Exposing PrecisionModel, GeometryPrecisionReducer in the C API
Sandro Santilli
strk at keybit.net
Thu Oct 1 09:42:32 PDT 2015
On Thu, Oct 01, 2015 at 06:14:10PM +0200, Sandro Mani wrote:
> On 01.10.2015 18:08, Sandro Santilli wrote:
> >On Thu, Oct 01, 2015 at 06:02:20PM +0200, Sandro Santilli wrote:
> >>Sandro, others:
> >>here's what I'm thinking to add as the single new signature
> >>to the C-API for GEOS-3.6.0, what do you think ?
> >>
> >> /*
> >> * Set the geometry's precision, optionally rounding all its
> >> * coordinates to the precision grid (if it changes).
> >> *
> >> * @param gridSize size of the precision grid, or -1 for FLOATING
> >> * precision.
> >> * @param forceSnap specifies whether snapping to the precision grid
> >> * should be forced: -1 prevents snapping, which can
> >> * be used when the input is known to be already
> >> * rounded to the target grid; 0 only snaps if the
> >> * new precision grid is not equal or compatible with
> >> * the new precision grid; 1 always snaps.
> >> *
> >> */
> >> extern GEOSGeometry GEOS_DLL *GEOSGeom_setPrecision_r(
> >> GEOSContextHandle_t handle,
> >> double gridSize, int forceSnap);
> >>
> >>Of course it can only work if the memory management for
> >>GeometryFactory is automatic, as proposed in the PR
> >>(which might be dangerous for any existing C++ client out there).
> >Of course there must be a GEOSGeometry argument too:
> >
> > GEOSGeometry *GEOSGeom_setPrecision_r(
> > GEOSContextHandle_t handle,
> > const GEOSGeometry *g,
> > double gridSize, int forceSnap);
> >
> >I'm not sure about returning a copy. One idea was, in the long run,
> >to also make GEOSGeometry objects automatically managed as per memory
> >lifetime, such thing would be easier by threating geometries as
> >immutable objects (and this is also the policy used in JTS); but
> >there's a known single function that is already not respecting that
> >immutability, which is GEOSNormalize.
> As far as QGIS is concerned, it might also be an idea to just have a
> function which sets the precision geos-context-wide:
> void GEOS_setPrecision_r(GEOSContextHandle_t handle, double gridSize)
> removing the need to do all the cloning of geometries just to reduce
> the precision. After all, all QGIS geometry processing functions
> would benefit from reduced precision computations.
Note that the _rounding_ of coordinates is expected to be performed
outside of the processing functions, for them work correctly, so
you'll need to perform this rounding/scaling step at some point
A generic GEOS_setPrecision sounds interesting, but then you'll need
to go through each and every function returning a GEOSGeometry and
specify what happens to it depending on the precision.
For example:
- should GEOSGeom_clone assign the "context" precision
to the clone; should it scale/round ?
- should GEOSProject use the input or the context precision
for the output ?
- should GEOSIntersection use the context precision or one
of the input precision ?
- should GEOSGeom_createLineString round the input
coordinates to the context precision ?
On the C++ side, it is the input that determines the output precision
(smallest precision in case of multiple inputs) and rounding of input
only happens with the WKTReader.
Note that a function capable of rounding would still be needed.
Surely allowing for in-place editing would help cases in which
you just want to round w/out changing the reference precision:
GEOSGeom_setPrecision_r(g, 2, 0); // snap to grid of size 2
GEOSGeom_setPrecision_r(g, -1, -1); // set precision to floating
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