[geos-devel] [postgis-devel] RFC6 - Drop GEOS C++ API at GEOS 3.8

Sebastiaan Couwenberg sebastic at xs4all.nl
Tue Oct 3 11:48:46 PDT 2017

On 10/03/2017 08:32 PM, Regina Obe wrote:
> Just curious how many projects that rely on GDAL use the C++ API are distributed by packages.

In Debian most packages use at least one GDAL C++ symbol:

 dans-gdal-scripts  C++
 fiona              C++
 gazebo             C++
 gmt                C
 imposm             C
 libcitygml         C++
 liblas             C++
 libosmium          C
 mapcache           C
 mapnik             C++
 mapproxy           C
 mapserver          C
 merkaartor         C++
 mysql-workbench    C++
 ncl                C
 node-srs           C++
 octave-mapping     C++
 openscenegraph     C++
 pdal               C++
 pgsql-ogr-fdw      C
 postgis            C
 pprepair           C++
 prepair            C++
 python-django      C
 qlandkartegt       C++
 qmapshack          C++
 rasterio           C++
 saga               C++
 sumo               C++
 thuban             C++
 vtk6               C++
 xastir             C

 grass              C
 openscenegraph-3.4 C++
 osmcoastline       C++
 otb                C++
 pktools            C++
 pyosmium           C

 libgdal-grass      C++
 osgearth           C++
 qgis               C++

Kind Regards,


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