[geos-devel] C++14

Regina Obe lr at pcorp.us
Thu Dec 13 09:41:24 PST 2018

> > On Dec 13, 2018, at 9:15 AM, Greg Troxel <gdt at lexort.com> wrote:
> >  So I guess I'm saying that geos is too foundational to be on the list
> > of why they have to cope now.
> +1. We only just hopped to c+11, and we re a library so there s a lot of stuff
> resting on top. Taking it slow is a good idea.
> P
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[Regina Obe] 
+1 for taking it slow.   I'm still shipping windows builds with GCC 4.8.3, though I plan to have completely moved to GCC 8.1 before 3.8 release.

I think a lot of packaging (for older systems I see) I see is still done on gcc 4.7.  Though one can argue that these older systems will not ship newer GEOS, so might not be so much of an issue aside from users who build their own GEOS stuck on old platforms.


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