[geos-devel] Removing multiple vertices

Martin Davis mtnclimb at gmail.com
Thu Apr 11 12:02:35 PDT 2019

There's no function for doing that in GEOS. So yes, you will have to
implement that yourself, via the approach you suggest.

On Thu, Apr 11, 2019 at 11:57 AM Paul Meems <bontepaarden at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> Currently, I'm working on improving the Shapefile editor of
> MapWinGIS/MapWindow5.
> Under the hood, it is using a lot of GEOS functions.
> When opening a shapefile we can draw a temporary polygon and use it to
> erase a part of the shapefile. We use GEOS::Difference to 'eat' the drawn
> polygon from the shapefile.
> This works fine.
> We now want a similar option. But this time not 'stamp' the drawn polygon
> on the shapefile but remove all vertices of the shapefile that are inside
> (under) the drawn polygon.
> Does GEOS have a method for that or should I just loop through all
> vertices of the shape and check if it is inside the drawn polygon and
> remove it when it does?
> Thanks for any advice,
> Paul
> *Paul Meems *
> Release manager, configuration manager
> and forum moderator of MapWindow GIS.
> www.mapwindow.org
> Owner of MapWindow.nl - Support for
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> www.mapwindow.nl
> *The MapWindow GIS project has a new forum
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> Download the latest MapWinGIS mapping engine.
> <https://github.com/MapWindow/MapWinGIS/releases>
> Download the latest MapWindow 5 open source desktop application.
> <https://github.com/MapWindow/MapWindow5/releases>
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