[geos-devel] Request for Eyeballs

Paul Ramsey pramsey at cleverelephant.ca
Thu Jul 23 20:22:44 PDT 2020

I'm trying to clean up memory use in the new overlayng code, on the overlay-sr branch, and have come to an impasse. 

The valgrind report is here: https://gist.github.com/pramsey/d4be398473ea49ff4e241f5e7d4b855b

As I see it, there's one big set of NodedSegmenentString that are created by EdgeNodingBuilder and represent the un-noded input edges and stored in the member variable "inputEdges":


And those are cleaned up here:


There's a second transient set of NodedSegmentString that are generated by the Noder, and come into existence here:


And then disappear almost immediately afterwards here:


The valgrind report seems to implicate this second lifecycle in a huge leak and yet, it seems really self-contained. The MCIndexNoder generates some new NodedSegmentString, the ValidatingNoder just holds onto the list for a while, then passes it on to the EdgeNodingBuilder that uses them to generate some Edges, then deletes them.

The latest iteration of the branch is here. https://github.com/libgeos/geos/tree/overlay-sr/

Any and all feedbackk most appreciated,


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