[geos-devel] 3.10.0beta1

Sebastiaan Couwenberg sebastic at xs4all.nl
Thu Sep 30 23:39:56 PDT 2021

On 10/1/21 12:12 AM, Paul Ramsey wrote:
> http://download.osgeo.org/geos/geos-3.10.0beta1.tar.bz2
> Login to wiki is broken right now, so it's not on the web, but since this is testing time I guess that's not a big deal.

Since we cannot login to trac, reporting this issue here:

386/388 Test #388: test_docs
..................................................***Failed    0.09 sec
-- Doxygen issued 2121 warning(s), see
CMake Error at check_doxygen_errors.cmake:44 (message):
  /build/geos-3.10.0~beta1/build/capi/geos_c.h:254: warning: argument
  'return' of command @param is not found in the argument list of
  GEOSDistanceCallback(const void *item1, const void *item2, double
  *distance, void *userdata)

    parameter 'distance'

Kind Regards,


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