[geos-devel] 3.12.0beta2

Andrew Hershberger andrew.d.hershberger at gmail.com
Thu Jun 15 17:42:04 PDT 2023

Beta 2 works as expected with GEOSwift.

Sent via Superhuman ( https://sprh.mn/?vip=andrew.d.hershberger@gmail.com )

On Thu, Jun 15, 2023 at 3:24 PM, Paul Ramsey < pramsey at cleverelephant.ca > wrote:

>> On Jun 15, 2023, at 12:18 PM, Sean Gillies < sean. gillies@ gmail. com (
>> sean.gillies at gmail.com ) > wrote:
>> The GEOSMinimumRotatedEnvelope algorithm change affects some Shapely
>> tests, but I don't see any other problems. We're likely to change the
>> tests to match the new implementation.
> Super! Yes, this new implementation is “different but better” than the old
> one. We had some tickets that explicitly pointed out places the old one
> was wrong.
> P
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