[Geoserver-jp] Geoserver + Thematics
Mario Basa
mario.basa @ gmail.com
2010年 5月 17日 (月) 11:53:30 EDT
This is such a quiet list and I hope this mail might add some activity to it.
Hello I am Mario, a GIS Developer based here in Tokyo, and I have been
working on a thematic engine for Geoserver as a personal project. I
just finished making a web application that can create thematic maps
out of *any* polygon layer that is registered in the Geoserver
repository, which I would like to contribute back to this community.
Basically, what the application does is to:
- get data from the layer via a WFS request
- create a range list out of the data
- using the range list, create a dynamic SLD
- pass the SLD when making a map and legend WMS request
Please see the attached screendumps.
If interested, the WAR file containing the application can be downloaded here:
To Install:
1. download the war file
2. copy the war file to <tomcat dir>/webapps
3. start tomcat
To View Thematic Maps:
1. Register polygon layers into the Geoserver Repository
2. View the polygon layers via the url:
http://<host>:<port>/geothematics/showtheme?layer=<namespace>:<layer name>
NOTE: This application will try to get only metric (numeric) fields to
display in the Thematic attribute list. For numeric ID fileds
(i.e. Prefecture-ID,Country-ID,etc.), add a suffix "-ID" to the
fieldname so that it will not show in the attribute list.
To Customize:
To change the Google Key, add or delete colors and ranges, etc., edit
the properties file at:
<tomcat dir>/webapps/geothematics/WEB-INF/classes/properties/thematic.properties
NOTE: the ColorNames and Colors should have equal number of items, otherwise
no color choices will appear in the Colors list of the web page.
I am just doing this in my free time, so there must be lots of bugs. I
will really appreciate it if I can be informed of any problems so I
can try to fix it.
p.s. sorry this is in English.
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