[Geotiff] Looking for help with netCDF -> Geotiff
Frank Warmerdam
warmerdam at pobox.com
Fri Sep 16 08:34:16 PDT 2005
On 9/16/05, Matt Foster <Matthew.Foster at noaa.gov> wrote:
> Hello,
> I work for the National Weather Service, and I'm working on taking
> forecast data from a netCDF file, and putting it into Geotiff format.
> I've tried a couple of tools that claimed to do this directly, but have
> not had any success with them so far. At this point, I can read the
> netCDF, and I can create a plain TIFF image based on the data. Given
> the following projection information, is it possible to georeference the
> image?
> Projection = Lambert Conformal
> Std. Lat1 = Std. Lat2 = 25.0
> Lat/Lon Origin = 25.0, -95.0
> LL lat/lon and UR lat/lon are known
> Each data point represents a 5km x 5km area.
> Any tips on where to go from here would be greatly appreciated!
Denis Nadeau and I have been doing quite a bit of work on NetCDF
in GDAL and I would like to think the current "CVS" version of gdal_translate
could do a decent job of translating netcdf to geotiff. It is likely you would
need to provide the coordinate system on the commandline though.
Something like:
gdal_translate -a_srs '+proj=lcc +lat_1=25 +lat_2=25 +lat_0=25
+lon_0=-85' in.nc out.tif
You might also need to select particular bands from the netcdf file,
or address a
subset if the format is complex. Can you point me to an example netcdf file
you would like to translate? You might want to grab the 0.9.9 FWTools binaries
and try something like the above in them.
Feel free to contact me off-list for more details.
Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at pobox.com
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