[Geotiff] File format for geo-coded ground-based photos
p.willis at telus.net
p.willis at telus.net
Wed May 10 11:09:47 PDT 2006
I suggest HDF or HDF5 for storing these.
1.) You can put more than one GeoTIFF photo in an HDF file.
2.) You can store you metadata in the HDF file with the photos
3.) You can use DODS (OPENDAP) to serve your images from HDF
There may also be a DODS client for geotiff at this point.
Best Regards,
Peter Willis
Quoting Ned Horning <nedh at lightlink.com>:
> All,
> I am looking for file format standards for geo-coded ground-based photos.
> I'm developing a project to collect and archive digital photos with GPS and
> direction information but haven't found a standard file format for storing
> all of this information. The information stored with the photo data should
> include camera state (focal length, date, time, frame size, resolution),
> location (geographic coordinates), and orientation (camera bearing, and
> possibly camera inclination) information.
> Would it make sense to extend the GeoTIFF format? TIFF tags already exist
> for storing camera information (EXIF tags), GPS information (GPS tags), and
> image geocoding information (GeoTIFF). I expect additional TIFF tags could
> be developed to contain other metadata.
> If a new standard needs to be developed how does one begin that process.
> Would the geodata committee of OSGeo be a good start?
> Any thoughts would be appreciated.
> All the best,
> Ned
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