[Geotiff] Merging a very large amount of jpeg-files to a tiled jpeg-compressed GeoTiff images

Even Rouault even.rouault at mines-paris.org
Mon Dec 17 15:10:39 PST 2007


I'm not aware of an easy means of doing that. I could be interested too ;-)
If you want to directly import the compressed jpeg data into the geotiff, 
you'd probably want to play with the TIFFWriteRawTile API from libtiff and 
become familiar with tif_jpeg.c
You'll also need to find a way to access at a low level to 8x8 compressed JPEG 
I'm afraid that the whole thing might be quite challenging.

Otherwise, if you can afford decompression & recompression, the easy way would 
be using GDAL utilities.

Le Monday 17 December 2007 12:40:50 Johan Lindvall, vous avez écrit :
> Hi,
> I've been trying to merge a very large amount (millions) of compressed
> jpeg files into tiled jpeg-compressed GeoTiff images.
> Is there a way to directly import the compressed jpeg data into the
> GeoTiff? I really want to avoid decompressing and recompressing the
> jpeg data.

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