[Geotiff] Encoding of "ETRS89 / ETRS-LAEA" (i.e. EPSG:3035)
Frank Warmerdam
warmerdam at pobox.com
Thu Jun 5 11:02:34 PDT 2008
Peter Strobl wrote:
> Unfortunately most software on earth seems not capable to read such a
> GeoTiff properly (or better: the way we think it should be read).
> Even gdal holds a surprise. If processed by gdal, which usually means a
> transformation of the projection information into wkt format (right?) the
> following result is achieved:
> DATUM[European_Terrestrial_Reference_System_1989,
> SPHEROID[GRS1980,6378137,298.2572221000027,
> PRIMEM[Greenwich,8.190126211110344e-320],
> UNIT[degree,0.0174532925199433],
> PROJECTION[Lambert_Azimuthal_Equal_Area],
> PARAMETER[latitude_of_center,52],
> PARAMETER[longitude_of_center,10],
> PARAMETER[false_easting,4321000],
> PARAMETER[false_northing,3210000],
> UNIT[metre,1,AUTHORITY[EPSG,9001]]]
> This means that the PCSCitationGeoKey gets obviously lost. Instead the
> GTCitationGeokey (KeyID 1026) is quoted in the "PROJCS" field, pretending it
> is describing the projection.
> Why is this?
I agree that the selection of GTCitation instead of PCSCitation
for the PROJCS[] name by GDAL seems imprudent. However, the citations
are just informational, and the definition otherwise seems fine.
BTW, did GDAL really produce a WKT report without quotes around
the various names? I'm rather surprised to see that.
If you like, you can file a ticket against GDAL suggesting that it
use PCSCitation in preference to GTCitation for the PROJCS. But otherwise
your file seems correct. The fact that many packages can't read it isn't
strictly your fault, though I would not call the GDAL behavior failure, just
slightly suboptimal.
Nevertheless, I still think you would be better off the
ProjectedCSTypeGeoKey to 3035.
Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at pobox.com
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