[Geotiff] GeoTIFFs in ArcGIS 10
Even Rouault
even.rouault at mines-paris.org
Fri Apr 8 03:26:43 PDT 2011
Selon Max Martinez <Max.Martinez at erdas.com>:
Running tiffinfo (utility from libtiff distribution) on your file might give you
more hints on what is going on.
> April,
> There are at least two possibilities.
> First, the mask could be a whole other image in the TIFF file. This
> image would have a NewSubfileType tag value with the second bit turned
> on. You could disable this bit (then the mask image would either be
> ignored or treated as another image in the dataset) or you could remove
> the whole mask image by relinking the IFD chain without including the
> mask IFD.
> The other possibility is that the mask is an additional sample included
> with the 4 band image (so the image has actually 5 samples). In this
> case the ExtraSamples tag would likely have a value of 2 for
> "Unassociated alpha data" for the sample representing the mask. If you
> changed this value to 0, the mask would possibly be treated as another
> band and you might then be able to avoid displaying it.
> See the TIFF spec
> <http://partners.adobe.com/public/developer/en/tiff/TIFF6.pdf> for more
> info. You may also want to investigate the source of the images (why is
> that mask being put in there in the first place?).
> Max
> From: geotiff-bounces at lists.maptools.org
> [mailto:geotiff-bounces at lists.maptools.org] On Behalf Of April Davis
> Sent: Thursday, April 07, 2011 2:20 PM
> To: geotiff at lists.maptools.org
> Subject: [Geotiff] GeoTIFFs in ArcGIS 10
> All,
> We have recently upgraded to Esri ArcGIS 10, and have started pulling in
> 4 band (red,green,blue,IR) GeoTIFFs. We began to see areas of "no
> data". When looking at the image in other software platforms, we do not
> see the areas of "no data". All the pixels have a value. We sent an
> image to Esri technical support and they replied by stating "The tiff
> has a mask tag that ArcGIS didn't use in the past. At ArcGIS 10.0 we
> read and apply this tag. In this case, the tag specifies band 4 to be a
> nodata mask - any place where band 4 has the value 0 will show as
> nodata. This is a setting on the tiff file and not in ArcGIS. ArcGIS
> just started to honor this tag."
> Does anyone know what tag Esri may be referring to? If I could figure
> out what the tag is or what exactly it specified, then I could remove
> the tag or change it. But I am at a loss as to what to look for.
> Any help would be appreciated.
> April H. Davis, GISP
> GIS Analyst III
> Southwest Florida Water Management District
> Mapping and GIS Section
> 2379 Broad Street
> Brooksville, FL 34604
> (v): 352-796-7211 x 4216
> (f): 352-540-6018
> www.watermatters.org
> IMPORTANT NOTICE: All E-mail sent to or from this address are public
> record and archived. The Southwest Florida Water Management District
> does not allow use of District equipment and E-mail facilities for
> non-District business purposes.
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