[Geotiff] Motion: Adopt libgeotiff 1.4.2RC4 as 1.4.2 Release

Even Rouault even.rouault at spatialys.com
Sat Aug 27 13:37:18 PDT 2016


I declare this motion passed with +1 from Howard Butler and  
Charles Karney, and +0 from Norm Olsen.

The links to the final version (RC4 archives renamed without the RC4 suffix) are 


> Hi,
> I retract the previous motion regarding 1.4.2RC3, and thus submit a new
> motion to adopt libgeotiff 1.4.2 RC4 as the final release. The changes
> between RC3 and RC4 are only related to fixing Windows CMake builds.
> Charles has confirmed the Windows build issues were fixed with RC4, and I
> see that RC4 has been accepted into Debian experimental.
> So,
> Motion: Adopt libgeotiff 1.4.2RC4 as 1.4.2 Release
>   http://download.osgeo.org/geotiff/libgeotiff/libgeotiff-1.4.2RC4.tar.gz
>   http://download.osgeo.org/geotiff/libgeotiff/libgeotiff-1.4.2RC4.zip
> Even

Spatialys - Geospatial professional services

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