[geotk] Next step for WMS

Sam B totalsam at hotmail.com
Thu Aug 27 07:55:11 EDT 2009

Dear Johann,

Thanks a lot for that answer. It helped so much that now I am able to get a picture from demis WorldMap server.

> > By the way, looking at puzzle gis, I noticed that the URL for the WMS server contains the "&STYLES=null" argument, which makes the server to send a blank image.
> > Is it a way to get rid of this ?

I made small investigations about this. I put here a few links so that you can see what happens. I mainly used Puzzle GIS as example. There, when you create your distance source, the default server is


This is the approximate request that Puzzle-GIS cound have sent :


You can see that everything is black, but you get an image. Without the "null" now :


And you will see (mainly green) colors.

Now if you do the same with the BlueMarble WMS :


works perfectly well, as 


produces no image.

This may come from line 225 in AbstractGetMap.java, in which toString(styles) probably returns null when no style has been specified.

A workaround could be to call WMSMapLayer.setStyles(new String("")), but as WMSMapLayer extends AbstractMapLayer, which doesn't implement setStyles(), I don't know if it is possible. Does someone knows this ??

I found something else that could maybe be a display bug. Yesterday night I played with Puzzle GIS and were able to get maps from demis, and they displayed correctly on the screen. Now, I am currently developping on another computer. I finally succeeded to get a picture from demis with my test software, but the display was horrible. So I ran PuzzleGIS on the computer I am developping on, and the same "display bug" appears.

Here is a screenshot from Puzzle GIS. Is it possible that this is a display bug depending on the computer ?


See you,


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