[Geotoolkit] GeographicMetadata

Felipe Quintella Correia felipequintella86 at gmail.com
Thu May 14 05:17:41 EDT 2009

Hello everyone,

I'm starting to develop with Geotoolkit, and I'm integrating it with
OrbisGIS (developed by IRSTV). We're changing our data model to work with
GridCoverage and in the near future, be able to read large files.

I'm using a StreamImageReader to read the files and finnaly store them into
BufferedImages, so I can construct a GridCoverage2D using the
GridCoverageFactory, but I'm having problems working with the metadata and
constructing the envelop needed.

I'm thinking of using a GeographicMetadata instance, but I'm not sure how I
should proceed. If I construct the GeographicMetadata from the fileReader
storing the image's stream, is it able to gather all the necessary
information, and even find the WorldFile (the one with the geographic
information), or do I need to find these file myself, and them create the
GeographicMetadata from this file?

I appreciate any information you can give me.


Felipe Quintella
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