[geotk] Re: Gaus Conform Projection

Martin Desruisseaux martin.desruisseaux at geomatys.fr
Tue Sep 15 09:01:58 EDT 2009

theuns a écrit :
> On the map they give the projection as:
> Gauss Conform Projection, Central Meridian 23° East, Hartebeesthoek 94
> Datum(WGS84 Spheriod)
> Is this what you meant by using the Universal Transverse Mercator?

Apparently not. "Gauss-Kruger" and "Gauss-Boaga" are synonymous of UTM, but 
according the page below "Gauss Conform" is really a different beast:


www.epsg-registry.org is down right now so I can not check the details of that 
projection, but I don't think that "Gauss Conform" is implemented in Geotk.

> And that this would preserve area for the specific region around 23°
> East?

I don't know for "Gauss Conform". But for the Mercator projections, they do not 
preserve area. They preserve angles instead. But if you don't move far away from 
23°, the simple Mercator projection may be an acceptable approximation.

They were some guidline about how to setup a "personal" Mercator projection with 
the "latitude true scale" of your choice here:


I need to reformat that content in a "how to" guide, but in the main time 
hopefully the above may be of some help?


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